I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind.
Ezekiel 39:28
International Prayer Conference, Jerusalem
January 20st - 27th, 2020
This is the invitation that our brother, Eliyahu, wrote before he went to glory in May 2019.
Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.Ephesians 6:10-12
While there are many demonic forces roaming the earth at the present time, there is a very ancient one that is more than a demon; it is what some translations have called a world ruler. The New King James calls it a ruler of the darkness of this age
It is the demonic “world ruler” of Anti-Semitism often disguised as Anti-Israel in politically correct places where it is not yet (but getting there) ok to be openly Anti-Semitic.
Who would have thought 74 years ago at the end of the Second World War and the open intentional slaughter of more than six million Jewish people – men, women and children – that this demonic ruler would once again be prowling the earth in such power and passion? Surely this is one of the more obvious signs that we are nearing the end of the age.
When I have brought them back from the peoples and gathered them out of their enemies' lands, and I am hallowed in them in the sight of many nations, then they shall know that I am the Lord their God, who sent them into captivity among the nations, but also brought them back to their land, and left none of them captive any longer. And I will not hide My face from them anymore; for I shall have poured out My Spirit on the house of Israel, says the Lord God.Ezekiel 39:27-29
The NIV translates part of the above this way: I will gather them to their own land, not leaving any behind.
How is He doing this?
Behold, I will send for many fishermen, says the Lord, and they shall fish them; and afterward I will send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain and every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.Jeremiah 16:16
Unfortunately, most of the Jewish people who are still living in exile have not learned the lessons of history and refuse to open their hearts and minds to the fact that the Lord is calling them home to Israel to save them – both physically and spiritually.
We have been in this situation before when Israeli Jews with vision of the times went throughout the European Jewish world calling the Jewish people to see what was beginning to happen to them and the world they lived in. Often they were met with derision, with tomatoes and even rocks. The German Jews proclaimed, "We have been here for a thousand years. We have had good times and we have had bad times, this too shall pass." And we know how it passed – in the smoke of the ovens of Auschwitz.
Some of us are physically called to be "fishers of the Jewish people in exile"; some of us are called to be "fishers" in prayer and intercession and to engage the enemy in battle as the Lord leads us. We don’t know what particular situation Israel will be facing in January 2020 but we do know that the battle to bring the Jewish people home is already happening.
The latest official statistic of Israel’s Jewish population is from 2017 when the number of Israeli Jews was 6,554,500. We know of that number more than two million are first generation Olim (immigrants). With a worldwide Jewish population of between 14,500,000 and perhaps 20,400,000 there is still much to be done.
As I understand the verse that says the He will not leave any behind, it simply means that the Jewish people will come home or they will perish in another conflagration of bestial, murderous Anti-Semitism.
Eliyahu Ben Haim
those who are returning to our conference know, we pray about many
issues that impact the coming of God’s Kingdom here on earth.
Eliyahu’s burden of anti-semitism leading to Aliyah will be one of
our major prayer topics. There will be others as well, as we open our
ears and hearts to hear how the Spirit of Messiah leads us.
Baruchim habaim – we welcome you to join us.
Chuck Cohen and the IFI team
Eliyahu Ben Haim Memorial fund for the next generation:
People have sent in donations specifically to honor our brother who has gone home to our Lord. We will use these monetary gifts for a project that was close to Eliyahu's heart – to bring younger believers to the conference with the hope that they will catch the burden for intercession and also an understanding of Israel's place in God's plans.
If you also share this burden consider bringing a younger person with you to the conference or sponsoring someone. We offer a discount on the conference package for those 30 and younger by January 2020. Please contact us for details.
Invitation to the post conference prayer tour:
As many of you know, with this being a prayer tour – we often revisit the same area on consecutive years. The Iranian threat is growing and is still Israel's only "existential threat" but for God’s promises (Jer. 31:35-37). We will again stand physically between Iran and its anti-Israel proxies in Lebanon and Syria – and this nation. We will revisit the Golan Heights and Northern Galilee as we intercede for Israel’s protection. We will also cover the Gaza area in the last day.
While all of this is "Lord willing," we still need to plan and then trust God to fill in the details or to change our plans to be in line with His will come January 2020 (Prov. 19:21).
We are very grateful that the places where we have prayed in on previous prayer tours in the North have remained basically peaceful, and even with the many months of Friday riots on the Gaza border, very few Israelis have been killed – although the mental and emotion trauma are very real, as is the destruction of much of Israel's land through Hamas' incendiary devices.
Many of the other issues needing prayer in Israel will be covered during the conference, we see the prayer tour as an integral part of the mandate that IFI has received from God to watch and pray over the physical security of the Land. As we often say, "For all of Israel to be saved, they need to be alive – and living in the land of Israel."
With places on the tour limited, please book early to reserve your spot and join us in this very beautiful part of God's biblical inheritance to Israel. In fact, do you know that one of the cities of refuge is the city of Golan, in the area of Bashan, which is the area we call the Golan Heights today (Deut. 4:41-43; Josh. 20:8-9)?
*IFI reserves the right to change the tour itinerary if the security situation makes this necessary.
Booking Information
Conference Program
The conference starts with dinner on Monday, January 20th and ends with breakfast on Monday January 27th. Morning sessions will be mainly for prayer with some teaching on intercession. Evening sessions will focus on teaching. Lord willing, there will be one day excursion.
There will be a 24-hour prayer room.
The conference will be in English. Translation into other languages will depend on demand and we need to know a month before the conference. Groups of less than 10 will need to provide their own translation.
Dan Jerusalem Hotel, 32 Lehi Street, Jerusalem.
Transport from the airport
“Nesher” shared taxi service to Jerusalem. Fare is 65NIS paid on arrival. No tip required. Taxi must bring you to the hotel.
Passports and Visas
Visitors to Israel must hold a passport valid for at least six months and should have a return ticket. Many visitors are not required to apply for a visa in advance. Check with your nearest Israeli consulate. If you do need to apply for a visa allow at least 3 months for this.
We advise delegates to take personal insurance. We cannot accept responsibility for losses or extra expenses due to delays or changes in air or other services, sickness, weather, war, quarantine, strike, etc.
By credit card – fill in and sign the authorization on the booking form. A minimum deposit of $200 is required when you register. The balance must be paid by 31st December 2018. Payment in US dollars only, thank you.
After receiving your deposit and confirming your booking, we reserve the right to charge $50 per person to cover the administrative cost of processing changes.
Late booking
For bookings received after 31st December 2018 an extra charge of $100 is payable.
If you need to cancel your booking please notify us in writing as soon as possible. The following cancellation fees may be charged:
*Up to 31st December 2019: $200
*Up to one day before your booked arrival date: 50% of payment
*On or after your booked arrival date: no refund.
Because of the unstable political situation and fluctuating exchange rates, we reserve the right to adjust published prices if necessary.