Latest Prayer Points

17 January 2025

  1. Praise:

    Shabbat's Torah portion introduces us to the book of Exodus. We read of God's total sovereignty in overseeing baby Moses' transfer from his Hebrew parents to being raised by Pharaoh's daughter in the court of the most powerful nation in the Levant at that time (Ex. 2:5-10)!

    • Abba, Your overriding control of history, despite man having free will, is the foundation of our faith and our trust in You, regardless of what is happening in the world (Ex. 8:22; Deut. 4:39; Matt. 11:25).

    • We bless You for not only knowing the end from the beginning, but arranging circumstances so that Your will is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven (Num. 23:19; Psa. 145:13; Isa. 42:9; 46:9-10).

    • Lord, thank You for grafting us into Israel's "good olive tree" as You state repeatedly in the Torah portion that You will be known as YHWH, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Ex. 3:6, 13-16; 4:5).

    • Abba, we are so grateful that You are interested in the small details of our lives (Luke 12:6-7).

    • Your timing is perfect so grace us to wait patiently upon You (Isa, 30:18; Luke 21:19; Rom. 8:25).

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