1. Many nations shall come and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths. For out of Zion the law shall go forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

    Micah 4:2

    The Lord is building Jerusalem. The Lord is building Jerusalem; gathering together the outcasts of Israel; healing broken hearts, binding up their wounds; the Lord is building, the Lord is building up Jerusalem.
    We opened this morning with praise and thanks:

    • Thank You that You are watching over Your word to perform it.

    • You are faithful.

    • The word of the Lord is going out from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth.

    • You keep us as a shepherd keeps his flock.

    • You are on the throne and Your mercies are new every morning.

    • You are king over Israel and over all the nations.

    • I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever; with my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness to all generations.

      Psalm 89:1
  2. Possibility of new elections in Israel

    In recent days it has become probable that the Knesset will shortly be dissolved and new elections called for the autumn. According to opinion polls elections would make the Likud Party (Netanyahu's party) stronger, Kadima (the main opposition party) weaker, Independence (Defense Minister Ehud Barak's party) nowhere at all. Elections would cost the nation 400 million shekels and 70% of Israelis believe there is no need for them now.

    • If these early elections are not the Lord's will, they will not happen.

    • Lord, intervene miraculously!

    • Lord, exercise Your will and judgment!

    • May the Prime Minister be driven not by circumstances or political reasons but by what is best for the country!

    • Change Bibi Netanyahu's mind!

    • A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.

      Proverbs 16:9
    • The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.

      Proverbs 21:1
  3. Bibi Netanyahu

    The Prime Minister and his family are "sitting shiva", observing the seven day mourning period following the death of Benzion Netanyahu, Bibi's father. In Jewish tradition a person is not supposed to take any major decisions during the year following the death of one's father or close relative. Clearly Bibi doesn't have the privilege of observing this tradition.

    • Lord, please draw the Netanyahu family close to Yourself!

    • Give Bibi a new clarity in knowing Your will for the nation.

    • Make the family closer to one another.

    • May the family be a great source of support for Bibi.

    • Bring Bibi good counsel and give him the discernment to know which counsel is godly and which is not.

    • Bring Bibi to re-read the writings of his father who was a great pillar of modern Zionism.

    • Reveal to Bibi that Yeshua is His Messiah.

  4. Iran

    The very real threat remains that Iran will get a nuclear weapon and we continue to pray on two fronts: that God will act sovereignly in shaking the nation of Iran and that he will use Israel militarily against Iran.

    • Let Israel see clearly what Iran is doing and planning.

    • If Israel needs to attack Iran's nuclear facilities, let it be in Your timing.

    • May the Prime Minister know what Israel needs to do and not be distracted by election campaigning, opinion polls, etc.

    • If, as we have often prayed, Israel is Your weapon of war, may her leaders know Your timing, Your methods and be prepared for every backlash from her enemies.

    • Thank You, Lord for the transfer of a 4th German submarine to Israel to provide a key element in our defenses. We prayed that this would not be prevented and we are seeing the answer to our prayers coming into effect. Thank you, Father!

  5. Later this month there will be another meeting of the P5+1 nations (China, France, Russia, UK, USA + Germany) with Iran. Netanyahu's reaction to the last meeting was that they "Gave Iran a freebie" in granting a period of time before implementing harsher sanctions against Iran. Thus enabling Iran to press forward with their nuclear program.

    • That the world, or at least some of it, would not be deceived by Iran.

    • That the hidden works of darkness would be revealed and that some of the nations would have clarity regarding Iran's real intentions.

    • Give Israel access to what is really going on in this P5+1 meeting not just the official reports which conceal the truth.

    • Let Iran make mistakes and speak out the truth of her intentions. Trick Iran into revealing what she is actually doing and planning!

    • Remove the blinders from world leaders. Open their eyes!

    • Help Russia to understand that an Iranian nuclear weapon would be a threat to them too.

  6. There are reports that 1000 Iranians are coming to faith in Yeshua every month. Some are looking at prophecies of judgment in Jeremiah as applying to their nation in these days:

    For I will cause Elam to be dismayed before their enemies and before those who seek their life. I will bring disaster upon them, My fierce anger, says the Lord; And I will send the sword after them until I have consumed them. I will set My throne in Elam, and will destroy from there the king and the princes, says the Lord.

    Jeremiah 49:37-38
    • Thank You, Lord for these new brothers and sisters flocking into Your Kingdom in Iran!

    • Give the believers in Iran revelation and clarity in knowing Your will both for Israel and for their own nation.

    • Give them Your anointing to pray for the end of the evil regime of the mullahs.

    • Give them wisdom to know where they should be if and when Iran is attacked.

    • Grant them opportunity and wisdom to share their faith with the Iranian Jews and help them to make aliyah before it's too late.

  7. The Church

    The Church throughout the world and particularly in the Western nations is largely distracted and even asleep to all that is going on in these days.

    • May the Church open its eyes to the signs of the times and to become watchmen watching what is going on. May believers no longer be ignorant of the days we are in.

    • Give revelation and discernment to pray with the spirit and the understanding according to Your will.

    • Grant Your servants the spirit of prophecy so that we in your Body may understand what you are doing and take our stand in intercession.

      Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

      Amos 3:7
    • We have the mind of Christ - no one person understands everything but each contributes a piece of the puzzle. Help us to understand this and walk it out! May we recognize when You are speaking through one of Your servants!

    • Grant us to see more clearly through a glass darkly!

  8. Israel's Armed Forces

    Israel has just approved the call-up of 22 battalions of reservists to strengthen her defenses. Orders have already been given for 6 battalions to be deployed on the Egyptian and Syrian borders. Just as the priests are called to stand in intercession between the people and God, so the soldiers are called to stand in the gap between the people and their enemies.

    • They would be always alert and ready to take decisive action.

    • Give each soldier an awareness of the place of responsibility they hold.

    • May they encourage one another. Dispel the discouraging effect on morale of events such as the Colonel Eisner incident of 3 weeks ago. Improve the IDF's public relations in order to uphold rather than undermine morale. Prevent those in authority from undermining the morale of the army with their words.

    • Grant that the feeblest of soldiers would have the courage of David. (see Zechariah 12:8)

    • May they be prepared to kill if the have to.

    • Let there be no more deaths from "friendly fire".

    • Give decisive and wise leadership.

    • May there be occasions again as in the past for giving thanks for battles in which not one warrior was lost.

  9. Aliyah

    Thank God that there has been an increase in aliyah. However, New York is still the largest Jewish city in the world. Also it is reported that there's a waiting list of 20,000 families wanting to make aliyah but lacking the funding to do so.

    • Make Jerusalem the largest Jewish city in place of New York!

    • Release the resources, especially from within Your Church, to help the Jewish people come home.

    • Prompt rabbis to lead their congregations back to the land.

    • Prompt the "yordim" (a million Israelis living abroad) to return home. Silence the excuses "Next year would be a better time to come", and confront them with the need to act now.

    • May a fruit of the American Presidential Elections be Jews coming home.

    • Lord, be glorified through Your people coming home!

      I do not do this for your sake, O house of Israel, but for My holy name's sake,…

      Ezekiel 36:22
  10. "Christ at the Checkpoint"

    There are plans to hold further Christ at the Checkpoint conferences in cities throughout the world, particularly focusing on the USA. The two conferences by this name which have been held in Bethlehem have been platforms for evangelical believers to promote a strong anti-Zionist and anti-Israel agenda, contrary to the word of God. Now they are seeking to spread the message globally. Boston, USA is suggested as a first international location.

    • Lord, dry up their funding - strike at the financial root of their operations. Open the eyes of their principle donors to the truth of Your word.

    • Wake up the churches in the Boston area to the danger of bringing a curse upon their city so they would oppose such a conference.

    • Save these people from the fire but, o God, destroy their plans to take this stand against You!

Shabbat Shalom!

From the IFI team