1. Praise:

    I once heard that the book of Revelation can be summed up by this: "Jesus wins!" With all that is shaking our world, we need to keep that short statement, which is the absolute truth, in the forefront of our thinking.

    • Lord Yeshua, we are excited for Your glorious and victorious return (Rev. 19:11-16).

    • We thank You precious Lord, for responding to the Spirit's and the Bride's invitation to come with, Truly, I come suddenly! (Rev. 22:17, 20).

    • We praise You for warning us that the days just before Your return would be essentially what we see happening today (Joel 3:1-2; Zech. 14:1-4; Luke 21:25-28; 1 Thess. 5:1-6; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; 4:2-4).

    • God, we bless You that all of Your promises are yes and amen, both to Israel and to us (2 Cor. 1:20).

    • We rejoice that You Lord, already reign, and are in control of all things (Psa. 103:19; Matt. 28:18).

    • Lord, thank You that Your mercy lasts a lot longer than Your judgment (Isa. 61:2).

    • We thank You Abba that since we are Your children we are confident that greater is He that is in [us] than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).

  2. Government & society:

    If, as we suspect, God is in the process of fulfilling Zechariah 12:2-3, then we need to be open to hear Him as we pray. As the nations come against "Jerusalem," which in Zechariah 12 stands for all of Israel, we dare not pray against it, but we can continue to ask God to turn more Israelis into Sons of Zion – those who love their land and honor God's Word.

    • Lord God, lead us to intercede in line with Your will for Israel today (Jer. 4:28; Amos 3:7).

    • Abba Father, we again ask You to raise up many more sons and daughters of Zion to shepherd Your nation at this time – and impart to them great authority in their positions (Zech. 9:13; John 14:13).

    • Also, please remove the authority of every child of Greece who influences Israel (Isa. 29:16; 45:9).

    • Continue to fulfill Isaiah 1:25-27, not just in the judicial – but in all other areas of Israel as well.

    • We again affirm that while we do not trust in Israel's government, we do trust in You who has set up Israel's current government, and pray You would use it for Your glory (Psa. 75:6-7; 115:1-3).

    • Protect PM Bibi Netanyahu from the spiritual forces which harass him via the rage of some hostage families and of those who still seek to overturn Israel's last democratic election (Psa. 43:1).

    • Surround him with sons of Zion and Issachar to whom he will listen (1 Chr. 12:32; Job 28:20-23).

    • May Bibi know directly from You the path on which he should lead Your nation today (Isa. 30:21).

    • Lord, strip the spirit of rebellion and arrogance from off of Israeli society (Ezek. 20:38a; Mal. 3:3).

    • Instead of demanding "Bring them home," as if Israel is not doing all it could to accomplish that, let the hostages' loved ones focus their anger on Hamas and demand, "Let them go!" (Ex. 9:17; 10:3).

    • Heal mentally and emotionally all ex-hostages who are now physically free (Psa. 107:20; 147:3).

    • Send forth waves of divine shalom on everyone whose loved ones have been murdered or sexually abused, or are still held hostage, or whose fate is as yet unknown (Isa. 61:1-3; Matt. 5:4).

    • Do not allow Israel's Supreme Court to block the government's godly decision to close the Qatar sponsored Al-Jazeera news agency's operations in Israel (Deut. 16:18; Prov. 8:16).

    • Arise and bring down the media's distortions about Israel – both in Israel and globally (Deut. 33:29).

  3. Foreign relations:

    If God is fulfilling Zechariah 12:2-3, then we should see more nations and international NGO's resisting Israel increasingly as it defends itself and extends its sovereignty over its God-promised inheritance, and this is what we are seeing today. Yet in order for Israel to obey and fear God and not man, our prayers are needed to uphold its arms.

    • We are both excited and concerned at how quickly Numbers 23:9b is being fulfilled, so we ask You to impart clear guidance to us on how to pray about Israel's foreign relations (See also Lev. 20:26).

    • Teach Your Body in Western nations how to pray about the Islamic spirit which has invaded their nations and is intimidating their leaders to turn against Israel (Num. 24:9b; Eph. 6:12).

    • God, arise and scatter Your enemies who are attacking Your nation today – politically, physically, through lawfare, and by consistent attacks on its leaders and the IDF (Num. 10:35; Psa. 17:13).

    • Almighty King, You knew US President Biden's Administration would be an undependable ally for Israel (Isa. 36:6), so give Israel's leaders courage and wisdom in relating to them (Prov. 8:14-16).

    • We thank You for every American politician and citizen who does stand with Israel, yet please turn Israelis away from looking to America and let them trust in You alone (Psa. 118:8-9; Isa. 31:1).

    • God, accomplish the above by downloading to Israelis a biblically-correct mindset and deleting all politically-correct thinking (Psa. 18:30; 119:148, 151; Isa. 40:7-8; Matt. 22:29).

    • Use the US administration's betrayal of Israel by holding back weapons as Israel wars against Hamas to ultimately end up bringing glory to You and shaming Biden and his associates (Isa. 8:9-10).

    • In fact, forbid Israel's leaders from capitulating to any outside or inside pressures (Num. 23:23).

    • God Almighty, guard over Israel from its "allies" as well as its enemies (Job 32:3; Psa. 9:19-20).

    • Lord God, demonstrate to the world Your total support for Israel's rejection of the establishment of a Palestinian State on Your land (Lev. 25:23; Jer. 12:14-17).

    • Use Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz's boldness for good (Isa. 48:11-13; Ezek. 20:14).

    • Guard over and anoint Israel's UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan as he boldly rebukes the UN's demonic preoccupation with Israel and the Palestinians (Isa. 40:15-17, 22-24; Dan. 4:35).

    • Remove all fear and hesitancy from Israeli diplomats or spokespeople, professional or laypersons, from using Your Word as they speak (Num. 23:19; Mic. 7:20; Hab. 2:3).

  4. Israel is still fighting its "War of Independence." In 1948, Israel fought against six Arab nations; today its war is against Hamas in Gaza, Hizbullah in Lebanon and Iran who directs them and its other proxies to fight against "the Zionist entity." The war against Hamas, "Operation Swords of Iron," must go on despite global pressure for a ceasefire which would let Hamas survive. This past week, Israel advanced its goal by invading parts of Rafah, Hamas' final stronghold on the Gaza-Egyptian border.

    • God, we thank You for creating the IDF out from the graves of the Holocaust (Ezek. 37:1-9), which we see as that exceedingly great army You prophesied of in Ezekiel 37:10.

    • We give You all of the glory that even in the face of unrelenting attempts to destroy it, Israel will be celebrating the 76th anniversary of its independence this next Tuesday (Jer. 31:35-37)!

    • Lord, reorganize the IDF's leadership and bring many more sons of Zion into authoritative positions where they will influence and direct Israel's current and future battles (Job 34:24; Zech. 9:13-16).

    • Teach the IDF to fight as sons of Zion and not as politically correct humanists (2 Sam. 23:12).

    • Lord, be a shield and high tower to Israel's soldiers against the enemy and protect them physically, mentally emotionally, and spiritually – especially in Gaza today (Psa. 23:1-6; 91:3-13).

    • Strengthen Bibi and the rest of Israel's political and military leaders to fulfill their vow to completely destroy Hamas and its rule over Gaza (Ex. 17:13-16; Deut. 25:17-19).

    • Remind them that more than 265 IDF soldiers have already laid their lives down for Israel to gain the victory over Hamas, and they need to make sure that that blood was not shed in vain (Psa. 79:10).

    • Help Israel to "neutralize" all of Hamas' leaders, both inside and outside of Gaza (1 Sam. 17:51).

    • Thank You for Israel taking complete control of the Gaza side of the Rafah crossing with Egypt, especially right after Hamas told Egypt that they accept a ceasefire agreement – yet came up with their own distorted version of what was actually being negotiated (Psa. 55:21; 57:4).

    • Do not allow any terrorists to escape by hiding among fleeing civilians (Job 12:22; Obad. 1:6).

    • Once the IDF conquers Rafah, let it occupy that stronghold for the foreseeable future (Luke 19:13).

    • Abba, supernaturally release all living hostages (Psa. 146:7; Zech. 9:11), or show the IDF where they are located and use the IDF to release them from their captivity (Num. 21:1-3).

    • Lord God Almighty, direct Your nation (Prov. 16:9; 19:21) to repossess Gaza after the war since it is part of the inheritance of Judah (Josh. 15:1, 47; Judg. 1:18).

  5. Internal security:

    Israel has seen an increase of terror attacks since Oct. 7th. Most fail, yet as Muslims declare how they "love death", this explosion of terror will continue until the Palestinians are either saved or driven out of God's land (Psa. 10:16).

    • Use the increased terrorism to speak to Israelis of the danger of dividing their land (Joel 3:1-2).

    • May Leviticus 20:24 and Amos 9:14-15 in the Torah and prophetic portions respectively stress once again to Your people that You have given them all of the land of Israel to possess (Obad. 1:17-20).

    • Guide Israel's to react biblically against the drive to create a "Palestine" by increasing its sovereignty over all of the land – from the river to the sea (Judg. 2:1-5; Psa. 105:5-11)!

    • Bless Finance Minister Smotrich's moves to enlarge Israel's borders and to legalize dozens of Jewish communities throughout Judea and Samaria (Deut. 33:27-29; Jer. 32:41-44).

    • If Defense Minister Gallant is in fact stopping this, let a true Son of Zion take his place (Psa. 109:8)!

    • Continue to expose every internal terrorist plot before it is hatched (Prov. 15:3; Matt. 10:26).

    • Lord, prevent successful kidnappings or drive-by shootings in throughout Israel (Psa. 35:4-7).

    • Expose all Iranian support for any terrorist groups inside of Israel (Psa. 125:3-5; Jer. 12:14-17).

    • Increase the hatred and mistrust that already exists between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas (Psa. 55:9; 129:5) so that they end up battling against each other (Judg. 7:22; Zech. 14:13).

    • We bless You for Your angelic hosts protecting Israel today (2 Kin. 6:16-17; 2 Chr. 20:15; 32:7-8).

  6. External security:

    Israel's external threats originate mostly in Iran today. Its leaders are the ones behind the establishment of Hizbullah in Lebanon – the strongest army facing Israel on any of its borders. Also Hamas' relations with Iran have improved since Oct. 7th. Yet a majority of Iranians have no hatred towards Israel – in fact just the opposite. Praying for the destruction of the Iranian regime turns out to be for the benefit of both Israelis and Iranians!

    • God, like Moses interceded on behalf of Israel, we also remind You that it is Your Name and your promises that are at stake in this war, therefore arise and intervene on behalf of Israel (Ex. 32:11-13).

    • Let the curses against Your nation coming from Iran's leaders and clerics bear the kind of fruit that You declared would happen to all who cursed Your nation (Num. 24:9b; Isa. 34:8).

    • Lord God, arise and sovereignly destroy Iran's nuclear facilities (Psa. 68:1; 140:1-10).

    • If not, guide the IDF very specifically to know when and how to do this (Jer. 50:25; 51:20-25).

    • Messiah, we praise and thank You for Your Body in Elam [ancient Iran] (Jer. 49:38a; Matt. 16:18b).

    • Guide them as they pray for their nation (1 Tim. 2:1-4), and for Israel (Psa. 122:6).

    • Lord, again we ask You to fulfill Jeremiah 49:38b as soon and as swiftly as possible (Luke 18:1).

    • God, prepare the IDF and Israel's society for what seems to be an impossible-to-avoid war against Hizbullah in the very near future (Deut. 20:1-4; Isa. 35:3-4).

    • In fact if today is "a time of war" against Hizbullah, release Israel to do just that (Eccl. 3:1, 8b).

    • Send forth massive confusion, fear and erroneous thinking into Hizbullah's leaders (Jer. 17:18).

    • Increase the internal strife in Lebanon between many of its people and Hizbullah (Psa. 129:5).

    • When Israel wars against Hizbullah, fulfill Isaiah 41:10-16 and receive all of the glory.

    • Remind Israel that South Lebanon up to the Latani River is part of the inheritance that You gave to the tribes of Asher and Naftali and show them when to annex it (Deut. 11: 24; Josh. 13:2-7).

  7. Aliyah:

    Jews being drawn home by God's covenant-love is a major sign of the biblical end-times (Jer. 31:3, 10). This also reveals that Yeshua's return is closer than many think. Satan is furious over Israel's restoration because he knows what this means for him and so tries to hinder it in any way possible, including deceiving believers about aliyah's true importance to God's Kingdom.

    • Thank You for revealing to us that the aliyah brings You glory and praise (Isa. 43:5-7, 21).

    • We bless You also for telling us that the aliyah is for Your holy name's sake (Ezek. 36:21-24).

    • Lord, show every believer in Your Body the biblical links tying the aliyah, Israel's salvation and Your glorious return into one prophetic package (Psa. 53:6; 106:47; Zech. 14:1-4; Matt. 23:39).

    • May Israel never lose its reason for being, which is to be the Jewish homeland (Psa. 107:2-3; 147:2).

    • Accelerate Your nation's preparations to settle millions of new immigrants (Ezek. 36:8-12).

    • Let the demonically inspired demonstrations against both Israel and Jews occurring in the West today scare the literal "captivity" out of Your people who live there (Ezek. 20:33-38).

    • We thank You for destroying the deceptive comforts which trap Jews in captivity (Jer. 51:6-10).

    • Challenge Jewish parents with the choice of having their children in colleges cringing before anti-Semitic hatred, or seeing them in the IDF defending their homeland (1 Chr. 7:4, 11).

    • Allow today's increased interest in aliyah result in an actual increase of aliyah (Jer. 50:4-8; 51:9-10).

    • Forbid Jewish pride from saying, "We will not be chased out of here," when in fact it is You who are doing the chasing and the drawing (Prov. 11:2; Jer. 16:16; 31:3-5).

    • Show Your people that being exiled from their land was not meant to be forever (Deut. 30:3-5).

    • Lord, overrule Israel's rabbinical standards of "who is a Jew?" and make it line up with the biblical definition so that everyone You define as Jewish will obtain full Israeli citizenship (Mark 7:9, 13).

  8. Salvation:

    YHWH, save Your people, the remnant of Israel (Jer. 31:7b). This prayer was given by God to the watchmen [notzrim] (Jer. 31:6a), which in today's Hebrew means "Christian".

    • Lord, quicken believers to include this request in their prayers more often (1 John 5:14-15).

    • Place Your burden to share Yeshua with Jews on more believers' hearts (Rom. 10:1).

    • Abba, please remove away that partial blindness You have placed on Your people (Rom. 11:25-26).

    • As Your people read the Torah portion, let them consider why You often refer to a priest who makes atonement for Your people and whether there is still a priest like that today (Lev. 19:22; Rom. 5:11)

    • We specifically ask for You to save all Holocaust survivors, both in and outside of Israel; all terror attack survivors; every hostage, ex-hostage, and their loved ones; all IDF soldiers wherever they are deployed and their families; loved ones of soldiers who have died or are severely injured; all widows and orphans; rabbis and anti-missionaries; Jewish politicians, diplomats, teachers and professors; medical personnel; university students, including Jews terrified to go to class and face the anti-Israel demonstrations; yeshiva students; Jews and Israelis in exile; Jews who've been provoked to jealousy by gentiles believers; unsaved Jews who are married to believers, whether another Jew or a gentile; unsaved loved ones of Messianic Jews (Ex. 34:9; Psa. 28:9; Dan. 9:19).

    • Lord Yeshua, show secret Jewish believers when to openly confess You (Matt. 10:32).

  9. The Body of Messiah:

    With access to so much information, His Word must be the filter by which we judge and discern all things (Psa. 36:9; 43:3a). By His Word, we mean from Genesis through Revelation. Yet it is the lack of trusting that the Tanach, the Old Testament, is still valid today that makes many believers blind to what the Lord is doing to wrap up this age.

    • Reveal to those in Your Body who do not see this yet that every time "scripture" is mentioned in the New Testament, historically it refers only to the Tanach (2 Tim. 3:15-17; 2 Pet. 1:20).

    • Cure the Body of its biblical anorexia by giving it a hunger to read and trust in Your complete Word (Num. 23:19; 1 Sam. 3:1, 21; Job. 23:12; Isa. 25:1; Jer. 15:16; Acts 20:24).

    • Lord God, reveal to many more believers what You are accomplishing for Your Kingdom's sake by allowing the sudden steep rise of worldwide Jew-hatred (Psa. 2:1-3; 83:1-4; 105:23-26).

    • Help the Body to see that this global anti-Semitism is an attack against the cultivated olive tree into which all true believers are grafted and if that tree dies, our faith will dry up (Rom. 11:17-18).

    • Show believers that Western nations are under Your judgment today because of how those nations have tried to divide Your land and scatter Your people off of their land (Joel 3:1-2; Rom. 1:24-32)

    • Install many more sons and daughters of Zion in the Body in positions of authority – especially in the area of preaching and teaching the Word (Mark 16:20; 1 Cor. 1:17; 2 Tim. 4:2).

    • Cause the Israeli Body of Messiah to seek to be filled with all the fullness of God (Eph. 3:17-21).

  10. Water:

    The Sea of Galilee [Kinneret] is nearly full. Please continue to ask Israel's God to totally fill it up as Israelis see that as a sign of God's mercy (Isa. 41:17-20; Matt. 5:45b).

  11. IFI:

    Thank you for praying for, and supporting, us and Israel.

Shabbat shalom and blessings from Zion

Chuck Cohen, for the IFI team

Lev. 20:7-8 [from Shabbat's Torah portion]