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  1. Praise:

    Once again in Shabbat's Torah portion we see Moses interceding that God would not destroy Israel – as His name [+ His reputation], is at stake before the gentiles (Num. 14:11-19). Despite Israel's rebellious and disobedient actions, God relents because of Moses' prayer. YHWH said, 'I have pardoned according to your word [i.e., your prayer]. But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of YHWH. (Num. 14:20-21)

    • Thank You for once again encouraging us on how intercession can impact the world for Your glory (Psa. 50:15; John 15:7-8; 1 Pet. 4:11).

    • We bless You that most of the saints in Your Word were prayer warriors: Moses (Ex. 32:11-14, plus many other times); King David (often in the Psalms); the prophets; Messiah Yeshua (Luke 22;41-45); His disciples, and especially Paul throughout his letters (Rom. 10:1; Eph. 1:15-18; 3:14-21).

    • Lord, we praise You as we see that the reason You saved Israel from bondage in Egypt is the same reason why You save us from our bondage in sin – in order that You can be our God (Num. 15:41).

    • Call on Me in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me. (Psa. 50:15) Amen!

  2. Government & society:

    We see a fulfillment of biblical prophecies about Israel and other end-times events coming to pass almost suddenly since Oct. 7th. Therefore we are in great need to hear our Shepherd's voice to know how to intercede into these issues (John 10:4, 27), as we dare not pray against that which He is doing to glorify Himself in today's world (Psa. 72:18-19; 115:1).

    • Lord, please lead us in prayer in line with Your will at this stage of history (Psa. 10:17; Rom. 8:26).

    • As Numbers 23:9b is rapidly being fulfilled we pray You would not permit Israel to compromise with other nations in a way which would slow down what You are in the process of accomplishing.

    • Abba, continue raising up many more sons and daughters of Zion and gift them with the anointing, wisdom and authority they need to lead Israel today and tomorrow (Isa. 28:5-6; 32:1b; Zech. 9:13).

    • Lord God, turn Israel's leaders' hearts to seek You for wisdom (Deut. 4:6; Psa. 19:7; 80:3, 7, 19).

    • Keep guiding PM Bibi Netanyahu until it is Your time for him to step down (Psa. 80:17; Prov. 21:1).

    • Guard over him mentally, emotionally, physically, as well as spiritually (Psa. 140:1-7).

    • God, we ask for You alone to decide the timing of Israel's next election (Psa. 31:15a; Eccl. 3:1).

    • Grant unity to the current coalition to work together for Your glory and Israel's good (Psa. 133:1).

    • Prevent them from yielding to any internal or external anti-God pressure (Num. 23:23; Deut. 33:29).

    • Lord, expel the spirits of rebellion and arrogance from Israeli society (Ezek. 20:38a; Mal. 3:3).

    • Also, block all spirits of discouragement and confusion from infecting Your people (Psa. 42:5, 11).

    • Protect Israelis from Hamas' psychological use of the hostages for emotional blackmail (Psa. 140:7).

    • Lord Yeshua, minister that prophesied comfort to any Israelis who need it (Isa. 61:1-3), and heal the mental and emotional health of all ex-hostages who are now back home (Psa. 30:2-3; 147:3).

    • Hasten the fulfillment of Isaiah 1:25-27 in the judicial, as well as in all other areas of Israeli society.

    • God of Israel, work out in righteous manner, and for the benefit of all Israelis, the Supreme Court's decision that Haredi [ultra-Orthodox] young men must serve in the IDF (Psa. 17:1-2).

    • Let this Supreme Court ruling apply to Israeli-Arabs as well (Ex. 12:49; Lev. 24:22).

    • Miraculously sustain Israel's economy during this time (Psa. 132:13-15; Ezek. 36:8-11).

  3. Foreign relations:

    While a majority of Americans support Israel, which is more than can be said of most other Western nations, US President Biden and his administration do not. Their political manipulation of Israel, even in a time of war, is a stench before God. Their preference for Iran over Israel is very dangerous. We see this preference openly displayed as both Hizbullah and Hamas are Iran's proxies and the US has warned Israel against destroying either one!

    • Thank You that Netanyahu exposed how the Biden administration has been withholding promised munitions from Israel for many months now (Dan. 2:22, 28a; Amos 3:7).

    • Lord, if Bibi should speak to a joint session of the US Congress on July 24th, use him as a partial fulfillment of Isaiah 2:3b and let him be a mouthpiece for Your Word to come out of Zion.

    • In fact, anoint all Israeli diplomats and spokespersons, whether professional or not, to know how to use Your Word when they speak (Psa. 119:89; Isa. 55:11; Jer. 1:12; Lam. 3:37).

    • Let the Biden administration's betrayal lessen Israelis' expectations of the US being their closest ally, and have them look to You alone (Psa. 20:7; 131:1-3; Isa. 31:1; Rom. 8:28).

    • Do not let Israelis see Trump as a "savior" if he becomes America's next president (Jer. 17:5-6).

    • God of Israel, please watch over Psalm 33:10-11 in today's increasingly deceived world (Jer. 1:12).

    • Almighty God, protect Israel from its "allies" – as well as from its enemies (Isa. 36:6; Ezek. 29:6-7).

    • Help Israel to reevaluate its relations with, and its need for, the UN (Isa. 40:15-17; Jer. 50:28).

    • Messiah Yeshua, exert Your authority over the UN and its outreaches who constantly curse Israel through lies and false accusations, and silence them (Num. 24:9b; Jer. 10:25; 30:20; Zech. 2:13).

    • Lord, move believers to accept their biblical duty to pray for their nation's relations with Israel, as only by intercession can their nations receive mercy (Ezek. 22:30-31: cp. Isa. 60:12; Zech. .12:9).

  4. "Operation Swords of Iron:"

    Israel is close to defeating Hamas in Gaza. Yet most nations and global NGO's are furious over this just war. We suspect the real reason for so much of the anti-Israeli hatred is because Israel's continued existence is proof that there is a God (Jer. 31:35-37), and that the Bible is His Word. Psalm 83:1-4 clearly states that those who hate God want to wipe out His nation.

    • Lord of hosts, as Hamas named their Oct. 7th attack "the Al-Aksa flood," release Your Spirit upon the IDF and fulfill Isaiah 59:19b at this time.

    • Let Israel keep reminding the world that every civilian death – both Gazan and Israeli – is Hamas' fault as they broke a ceasefire and attacked Israel on Oct. 7th, they and their weapons caches hide in civilian areas and they dress-up as civilians (Ex. 17:11; 2 Kin. 13:18-19; Psa. 10:8; 25:19-22).

    • God of truth, let the study proving that Israel did not use famine against Gaza, as well as the fact that there is no famine there, be circulated widely (Matt. 10:27).

    • Lead Israel to increase the intensity of its attacks and bring this war to a sudden end (Eccl. 8:11).

    • Restrain Israel from acting more merciful with its enemies than is Your will (Psa. 18:25-27; 97:10a).

    • Anoint the IDF to fight as sons of Zion and not as politically correct humanists (2 Sam. 23:12).

    • Lord of the hosts of heaven, protect Israel's soldiers against all enemy fire and booby-traps and also guard them against friendly fire and other deadly accidents (Psa. 35:1; 121:4; 140:7).

    • Show the IDF where to find all of the remaining hostages, whether living or dead (Isa. 49:24-26).

    • Download divine strategy to the IDF on how to war against Hamas' changing tactics from fighting as an army to battling against Israel using guerilla tactics (2 Sam. 5:17-25; Psa. 144:10; Prov. 21:31).

    • Lord, show Israel it has a biblical obligation to kill all of Hamas' murderous leaders, whether inside or outside of Gaza (Num. 35:16-21, 30-31; 1 Sam. 17:51; 1 Tim. 1:9).

    • Watch over Ezekiel 35:5-6 and let Islam's/Hamas' eternal hatred against Israel backfire.

    • God, silence the Israeli and global media which constantly lies and twists the truth about Israel and its justifiable actions against Hamas (Psa. 12:2; 101:5; Prov. 10:18; Isa. 54:17; Jer. 9:3).

    • Abba, we ask that Israel's elected officials, and not the leaders of the IDF, be the ones to determine Israel's policy in Gaza for the day after the war (Est. 4:14b).

    • Encourage Netanyahu to remain steadfast in his insistence that Israel must maintain overall security over Gaza for the foreseeable future (Ezek. 3:8-9).

  5. Internal security:

    Today is the day for Israel to extend sovereignty over all of its land – from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea as a start. This is very clearly God's will as revealed in Shabbat's Torah and prophetic readings (Num. 14:7-8; Josh. 2:9-11). In fact, Moses prayer that was referred to in the praise section above was against God's anger toward Israel for refusing to believe Him and possess His land which He swore to give to Israel's forefathers (Gen. 26:3; Ex. 13:5).

    • We bless You for using the Oct. 7th pogrom to show multitudes of Israelis how irrational the "two-state solution" is as they see Palestinian support for Hamas has increased (Psa. 120:7; Prov. 13:9).

    • Continue to use Finance Minister Smotrich to extend Israeli civilian rule over many more Jewish communities throughout Judea and Samaria (Deut. 33:27-29; Jer. 32:41-44; 33:12-14).

    • Expand the populations, the homes and the businesses of every Jewish community in Judea and Samaria; on the Golan Heights; in the Galilee; and in the Negev (Isa. 49:19-20; 54:2-3).

    • While terrorist attacks have increased inside Israel since Oct. 7th, we thank You that almost all of them have failed or were stopped by Israel's security forces (Psa. 32:7; 121:4).

    • God of Israel, we also praise You for hindering all kidnapping attempts and thwarting most of the terrorist car-rammings and drive-by shooting attacks (Deut. 28:6-7; Psa. 89:23; 121:8; Prov. 2:8).

    • As a partial solution to the crisis of overcrowding in Israeli prisons, let Israel seriously consider using the death penalty against convicted terrorist murderers (Gen. 9:5-6; Num. 35:17-21, 31).

    • Strip away all spiritual protection from every Palestinian terrorist group (Num. 14:9; Josh 2:24).

    • Cause the inbred hatred and distrust that exists between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas to explode, and let them war against one another weakening both of them (Psa. 35:4, 26; 55:9).

    • Lord, as You are a gracious and merciful God, save many Palestinians, releasing them from their demonic hatred against Israel and the Jews (Zech. 2:11; Matt. 5:44; Rom. 5:8).

    • Let that mindset that was in Rahab in the prophetic portion, overtake many Palestinians so that they also declare, YHWH your God, He is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath. (Josh. 2:9-11)

  6. External security:

    Israel is about ready to declare war against Iran's main proxy, Hizbullah in Lebanon. So now many Western nations, the UN, the US, France and of course, the UN are all warning Israel not to do this. Was there a word of warning against Hizbullah when it fired thousands of projectiles against Israel's north making around 100,000 Israelis homeless? Yet now when Israel is ready to defend itself and its civilians fully, the world freaks out! Absolutely infuriating!

    • Abba, as a kingdom of priests in Messiah Yeshua, we ask You to spare Your people and remind You of Joel 2:17-20 as You said You would deal with the northern army threatening Israel.

    • Send forth massive confusion, fear and erroneous thinking into Hizbullah's leaders (Jer. 17:18).

    • Increase Lebanon's internal discord between many of its people and Hizbullah (Psa. 109:29).

    • Be Lord over both the timing and the tactics of when and how Israel attacks Hizbullah and Lebanon (Psa. 103:19; Eccl. 3:1, 8b; Matt. 28:18; Acts 10:36b).

    • In the war, magnify the IDF attacks in such a way that the nation of Lebanon itself shakes in fear of both Israel and of You, Israel's God (Ex. 15:14-16; 2 Chr. 14:14; 17:10).

    • Prepare Israel to respond to the inevitable over-the-top criticism from the world as Lebanon is struck and many Lebanese and Hizbullah terrorists are killed and injured (Isa. 50:8; 54:17; Luke 21:15).

    • In Your perfect timing, fulfill Micah 4:11-13 against Iran and all of its Middle East proxies.

    • Also fulfill Jeremiah 49:38b suddenly and soon, and destroy Iran's modern king and princes.

    • Allow Iran's leaders who threaten and curse Israel reap what they sow (Num. 24:9b; Gal. 6:7).

    • Lord God of hosts, whatever it means, break the bow of Elam [ancient Iran] today (Jer. 49:35).

    • Almighty Creator, open the earth under all of Iran's nuclear facilities (Ex. 15:12; Num. 16:32).

    • If You desire for Israel to terminate Iran's nuclear weapons program, then please oversee the timing and the methods to bring about its total destruction (Prov. 21:31; Jer. 46:10; 51:20-25).

    • Anoint the Iranian Body's prayers for their nation (1 Tim. 2:1-4), and for Israel (Psa. 122:6).

  7. Aliyah:

    The scattered Jews must be regathered (Jer. 31:10) to an independent Jewish State (Jer. 30:8-10) before the Lord returns (Psa. 102:16). And today we see this. But the essential issue of aliyah for believers is that it brings God glory and sanctifies His holy name (Ezek. 36: 23-24).

    • Show believers how aliyah is not just a "Jewish" matter, but is actually a "Kingdom of God" matter that is being fulfilled today (Deut. 30:1-6; Isa. 43:3-5, 21; Zech. 8:1-8).

    • Lord, move upon many Jews and Christians to speak to the Jews in their nations that the time of the captivity is over and now is the time to come home (Deut. 30:3-5; Psa. 106:47).

    • Switch Israel's relations with the Jews in exile to encourage them to make aliyah instead of helping them in any way to remain outside of the Promised Land (Psa. 107:2-3; Isa. 11:11-16; 43:5-7).

    • Reveal to Your people that being in captivity was never meant to be forever (Deut. 30:3-5).

    • Shepherd of Israel, lead many Jewish families to make aliyah over this summer (Jer. 31:8-9).

    • Use the Jew-hatred in the West that has burst out of the closets to chase Jews home (Jer. 16:16).

    • Set every Jew free in any country that blocks them from leaving (Isa. 25:9-12; Zeph. 3:19-20).

    • Accelerate Israel's plans to receive and settle millions of new immigrants (Ezek. 36:8-12).

    • Lord, somehow lower the very expensive cost of living in Israel even during the war (Jer. 32:17, 27).

    • Adjust Israel's rabbinical definition of "who is a Jew?" to line up with the biblical definition and open the gates to all whom You see as Jewish to receive their citizenship (Psa. 119:116; Isa. 8:20).

    • Deepen the roots in the land of every Jew who has returned (Psa. 80:8-9; Isa. 27:6; 37:31).

  8. Salvation:

    Save us, YHWH our God, and gather us from among the gentiles, to give thanks unto Your holy name, and to triumph in Your praise. (Psa. 106:47) In this verse the salvation of Israel is linked with aliyah which results in God being glorified. And while it is His will for all Israel to be saved, He does wait on us to ask Him to do that (Ezek. 36:37; Luke 18:1; John 15:16).

    • God, now that many Jews are back in their land, we ask You to remove that partial blindness which You put on them several millennia ago (Ezek. 36:22-32; Rom. 11:25-26).

    • Turn Jews away from studying the words of men to studying all of the Tanach (Isa. 55:11).

    • Gift all Jews with a holy dissatisfaction about their relationship with You when compared with the personal relationship many Jews have had with You in biblical times (Psa. 42:2; Mark 9:24).

    • Save many Holocaust survivors; terror attack survivors; living hostages, including those freed since Oct. 7th, and their loved ones; IDF soldiers and their families; loved ones of soldiers who died or are seriously injured; Jews seriously contemplating suicide for whatever reason; widows, widowers and orphans, especially all new ones since Oct. 7th; Jews on their deathbeds; rabbis of every Jewish sect in Israel and in exile; yeshiva students; lawyers, politicians, diplomats, university students, professors, teachers, medical personnel; Israelis in exile; LGBTQ+ Jews; Iranian Jews; Jews recently provoked to jealousy by gentile believers; unsaved Jews married to either a Jewish or gentile believer; unsaved loved ones of Messianic Jews.

    • Wake up born-again gentiles to see that Romans 1:16 and 11:11 are still applicable today.

  9. The Body of Messiah:

    If Israel is not in its right biblical place in God's end-time plans then confusion reigns and that leads to various man-made prophetic schemes which cannot explain what is happening in today's world. All of this is the result of believers who do not really believe that the Tanach, the Old Testament, is still God's Word today.

    • Messiah Yeshua, heal Your Body of its biblical anorexia by giving it a deep desire to read and study all of Your Word (1 Sam. 3:1; Job. 23:12; Jer. 15:16; Amos 8:11; 2 Tim. 2:15; Rev. 6:9).

    • Heal Your Body of its blindness that prevents them from seeing that the word "scripture" in the New Testament historically can only refer to the Tanach (Matt. 22:29; Luke 4:21; 1 Cor. 15:3-4; Gal. 3:8).

    • Aid believers to see the biblical links between aliyah, Israel's salvation and Your 2nd coming (Psa. 14:7; 147:2; Jer. 31:1-10; Zech. 14:1-4; Matt. 23:39; 24:30 ["earth" = land], cp. Zech. 12:10-14).

    • Let the sons and daughters of Zion in the Body take their right places (Zech. 9:13; 2 Cor. 2:17).

    • Place in the Body Your priority so that Your kingdom is their primarily goal (Matt. 6:33; Acts 1:3).

    • Cleanse Your Body of every anti-Semitic and anti-Zionistic spirit (Gen. 27:29; John 4:22).

    • Lord, reveal to Your Body why You have allowed this explosion of Jew-hatred and anti-Israelism, especially in the West– and how You want us to intercede (Ezek. 36:21-37; Matt. 6:9-10).

  10. IFI:

    We covet your prayers as we endeavor to hear His voice and pray in line with His will for Israel and the Body in these very "exciting" days!

Thank you, Shabbat shalom and blessings from Zion

Chuck Cohen, for the IFI team

Psa. 128:5