1. Praise:

    Jeremiah 4:1-2 in Shabbat's prophetic portion is part of the Tanach's theological roots for Paul's declaration that the salvation of Israel will be life from the dead for the world (Rom. 11:12, 15): If you return [+ repent] Israel, says YHWH, return to Me: and if you will put away your abominations [+ idols] out of My sight, then you shall not be shaken, and you shall swear, 'YHWH lives in truth, in justice, and in righteousness, and the gentiles shall bless themselves in Him and in Him they shall glory [+ boast].

    • We bless You Lord for how Your Word shows that while it was written by many men over many centuries, Your Spirit was the Ultimate Author (2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Pet. 1:21).

    • Thank You for the consistency of Your Word and what that means to us who put our trust in You, as well as in Your Word (Psa. 18:30; 56:4; 119:42; Prov. 30:5).

    • We praise You that from the very beginning Your election of Israel was so that through Your chosen people the gentiles would be blessed by coming to know You as well (Gen. 12:3b; Gal. 3:8).

    • Lord Yeshua, we rejoice that Your confirmation of God's promises to Israel's forefathers has brought much fruit in the gentiles who are now praising God along with His people, the Jews (Rom. 15:8-12).

    • Thank You that You are both a God of mercy and a God of judgment (Psa. 86:5; 96:10; Isa. 33:22).

    • We can rest in You because nothing whatsoever ever takes You by surprise (Isa. 42:9; 46:10).

  2. External security:

    Last Shabbat a Hizbullah rocket hit an Israeli Druze village on the Golan, killing 12 children and wounded many others. Last Tuesday, Israel struck back, killing Hizbullah's #2 leader in Beirut, Faud Shukr, their chief of staff and military commander, the one responsible for the attack on the Druze, and most other Hizbullah attacks against Israel since Oct. 8th. Early the next day, Israel killed Hamas' political chief, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran. Iran's sense of security is shaken.

    • We thank You for Israel fulfilling its biblical obligation to kill terrorist leaders who are guilty of mass murder (Ex. 21:14; Rom. 12:3-4; 1 Tim. 1:9).

    • We are amazed that these two terrorists were killed in line with Shabbat's Torah reading where You command Israel six times that the murderer should not live (Num. 35:16-21).

    • Again we consider Micah 4:11-13 and pray that if this attack is part of that, then bring the rest of Your prophetic word to pass as swiftly as possible (Rev. 22:7).

    • Abba Father, reinforce the angelic guard over all of Israel's borders (Psa. 148:2; Mal. 1:5).

    • Let the pinpoint accuracy of the strikes on Shukr and Haniyeh spread panic and paranoia throughout Iran's, Hizbullah's and Hamas' leaders (Job 4:15; 6:4).

    • Confuse all three into making major geo-political errors (Job 5:12; Psa. 129:5; Isa. 44:25).

    • Shame Israel's enemies into seeking Your name – or destroy them (Psa. 83:16-18).

    • With Israel's military and society preparing for a massive response from Iran, cause Israelis to look to and trust in You as You have given it huge victories in every modern multi-front war (Psa. 44:4).

    • Again Lord, we ask that at this time You would break the bow of Elam [ancient Iran] (Jer. 49:35).

    • Lord God of Israel, also destroy Iran's modern king and princes (Jer. 49:38b)

    • Anoint the Iranian Body to discern how to pray into this situation (Psa. 140:6-8; 141:9-10).

    • God, remove the UN's UNIFIL forces from Lebanon, protecting them from any Israeli attacks and preventing them from being used as human shields by Hizbullah (Ex. 6:1; 23:28; 33:2).

    • Uncover and destroy Hizbullah's widespread tunnel system and its missile and ammunitions storage sites in Lebanon and wherever else they are in Israel's region (Dan. 2:22; Luke 8:17).

    • God of righteousness and justice, express Your displeasure at the world's injustice in not reproving Hizbullah's daily attacks on Israel since Oct. 8th (Psa. 21:8-13; 68:1; 99:1; Isa. 33:22).

    • God of Israel, promote more sons of Zion to lead in the IDF giving them that same spirit that Joshua and Caleb had regarding the enemy giants in the surrounding lands (Num. 13:28-33; 14:6-9).

    • Place more children of Zion and Issachar in Israel's intelligence corps (1 Chr. 12:32; Prov. 1:2-3).

    • Use these two killings to renew the dread of Israel's intelligence ability back into the minds of all of its enemies = both near and far (Job 12:3; 42:2; Luke 12:2).

    • Anoint Israel's cyber-warfare warriors – both offensively and defensively (Jer. 5:22; 51:42).

  3. Government & society:

    PM Bibi Netanyahu's star rose in Israel after his speech to the US Congress last week. Yet this will not last long as the demands on him from Israeli society and the negative press he constantly receives from most of Israel's mainstream media makes his popularity quite tenuous. Still, we give God the glory for answering our prayers about Bibi's speech (Psa. 50:15).

    • Thank You for Netanyahu's clear warning to America, and the rest of the West, of the grave danger of Iran and its various minions – regardless of whether much of the West heeds it or not (Jer. 6:10).

    • Abba Father, continue to grant him that wisdom and knowledge of which Daniel spoke (Dan. 2:21b).

    • God, shut every mouth which stirs up violence and hatred against him (Dan. 6:22; Zech. 3:2).

    • Lord God, by Your Spirit, stir up Israel's current leaders to seek You daily for Your wisdom and guidance by reading and trusting in Your word (Ezra 7:25; Psa. 119:98-100; Prov. 6:23).

    • Block any decisions Israel's coalition considers making that are not in Your will (Prov. 19:21; 21:1).

    • Messiah, cast out all spirits of rebellion and chaos from Israeli society (Ezek. 20:38a; 34:20-22).

    • Instead of those spirits, let the spirit of unity, courage and faith that is clearly seen in most of the IDF soldiers fighting in Gaza, spread throughout the rest of the nation (Psa. 133:1; Matt. 13:33).

    • Download to all Jews, especially Jewish Israelis, a biblically-correct mindset and cast out from them any politically-correct, humanistic thinking (Psa. 119:143-144; Jer. 17:5-8; Matt. 7:24-25).

    • Remove from Israel all NGO's whose main focus is the well-being of terrorist murderers locked up in Israel prisons, reminding Israelis of the rabbinic adage that those who are merciful to the cruel end up being cruel to the merciful (Psa. 18:25-27; 59:5)!

  4. Foreign relations:

    Netanyahu had a good meeting with Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump, but a not-so-good meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democrat's candidate in the US November elections. Yet regardless of who wins, Israel must look more to God, the Supreme Ruler of the nations (Psa. 103:19; Zech. 14:16), and less to America or any other nation.

    • Precious Lord, may Your word in Psalm 33:10-11 rule over all of Israel's foreign relations.

    • Abba, put Your words in the mouths of Israeli politicians and diplomats as they speak (Jer. 1:9).

    • God, water all the good seed that Bibi planted with his speech, especially when he referred to Your Word, and let it bear much fruit for Your Kingdom sake and for Israel's sake (Isa. 37:31; 60:12).

    • God, draw Bibi to You as he openly received believers who came in Your Son's name (John 13:20).

    • Guide Israel's leaders to safely navigate the dangerous rapids of the chaotic and unstable political landscape throughout the world, and especially in America (Psa. 18:16-19; 27:11-13; 32:6)

    • King Yeshua, breathe on that anti-Christ infested UN, and strip it of all of its demonic authority it has over Israel (Psa. 50:16-23; 2 Thess. 2:7-12; 1 John 2:18; 4:3; Rev. 5:5).

    • Anoint, protect and guide Danny Danon as he is once again Israel's UN Ambassador (Prov. 13:17b).

    • Give Israel's Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz, wisdom in relating to foreign diplomats, including new ones like from the UK, who are already pressing Israel to divide the land (Job 12:12-16; Isa. 8:9-10).

    • God of Israel, promote many more sons and daughters of Zion and of Issachar to influential spots throughout Israel's diplomatic corps (Ex. 18:19a; 1Chr. 12:32; Psa. 16:7; Prov. 15:22).

    • Lord Yeshua, lead believers to warn their nations that You will not be mocked, but as those nations press Israel to divide Your land, their societies will see even deeper divisions (Joel 3:1-2; Gal. 6:7).

  5. "Operation Swords of Iron:"

    Netanyahu's very clear and correct redlines for any hostage deal and ceasefire aim at the total surrender of Hamas. Hamas always rejects this, and the IDF continues to war against them, often with great success.

    • We thank You for Bibi's non-negotiable red-lines for any hostage/ceasefire deal, and pray that You would not let him be swayed from them regardless of the criticism he receives (Isa. 50:7; Matt. 5:37).

    • Almighty Lord, cause Hamas' leaders to turn down every hostage/ceasefire deal that is harmful for Israel, whether for today or in the future (Josh. 11:19-20; Psa. 115:1-3; Rom. 9:17-23).

    • God, shine Your light on where the hostages are being imprisoned (Zech. 9:11-12), and let the IDF set them free (Isa. 49:24-26), thus releasing Israel from Hamas' emotional blackmail (Num. 23:23).

    • Let the vacuum created by Haniyeh's death, and the confirmation of Deif's demise, bring infighting and confusion inside every faction that makes up Hamas (Psa. 35:4; 55:9; Matt. 26:52b).

    • As the events surrounding Oct. 7th have revealed the humanistic mindset of most of the IDF's top leadership, we ask You to change their thinking or replace them as soon as possible (Ezek. 34:10).

    • Let Israel pursue the war in Gaza until it gains a total victory – for Your glory's sake (Isa. 41:15-16).

    • Increase the success and deadliness of the IDF attacks supernaturally (Ezek. 37:10).

    • Release Israel from the chains which the world has placed around it and let it pursue its enemies in a biblically unrestrained manner (Lev. 26:7-8; Deut. 28:7; Psa. 18:37-42).

    • Continue Lord, to protect Israel's soldiers from all attacks and traps of Hamas and Islamic Jihad, as well as against friendly fire and all other accidents (Psa. 121:4; Jer. 31:10; Zech. 9:16).

    • Reveal every undiscovered Hamas tunnel in Gaza, and let the IDF destroy all of them (Job 12:22).

    • Lord God, back up Netanyahu's resolve that after the war Israel must maintain full security control over Gaza for the foreseeable future (Neh. 4:17; Jer. 50:25).

    • Almighty, silence the Israeli and global media who constantly lie and twist the truth about Israel and its justifiable actions against Hamas (Psa. 12:2; 101:5; Prov. 10:18; Isa. 54:17; Jer. 9:3).

    • Let the war in Gaza and the other battles today conclusively prove to Israel that it has an existential need to quickly manufacture all of its own weapons and ammunition.

  6. Internal security:

    We are praying for Israel to extend its sovereignty over all of its land west of the Jordan River. This topic comes up frequently in the Torah and prophetic portions.

    • Lord, as Your people, especially the political and military leaders, read the Torah portion, let them be fully persuaded that it is Israel's God-given right to extend its sovereignty over all the land which You have sworn to Israel's forefathers (Num. 32:11; Psa. 85:1, 9).

    • Use Numbers 33:55-56 in the Torah reading to show Israelis, especially those who worship "peace" more than worshipping You, why the Palestinians have become such a source of grief and death in the land, and let them repent, asking You for mercy (Psa. 35:20; 74:8).

    • We thank You for Israel's Parliament, the Knesset, which once again voted overwhelmingly to reject the creation of a Palestinian State anywhere west of the Jordan River (Lev. 25:23; Joel 3:1-2).

    • God, supernaturally expand the populations, homes and businesses of Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria, on the Golan Heights, in the Galilee, and in the Negev (Isa. 49:19-20; 54:2-3).

    • Lord, as per Deuteronomy 6:10-11, let the illegal houses the EU has financed for the Palestinians to build in Area C end up as homes for Your people as they return and settle Your land (Josh. 24:13).

    • God Almighty, continue to cause all kidnapping attempts and most of the terrorist car-rammings and drive-by shooting attacks to utterly fail (Deut. 28:6-7; 2 Sam. 22:40-41; Psa. 37:28; 66:8-12).

    • Use the hatred and suspicion that exists between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas to boil over, causing them to war and destroy each other, and to ruin the Beijing Declaration (Psa. 35:4, 26; 55:9).

    • Whenever Israel is faced with the external war, may Your hand subdue Israeli-Arabs from trying to cause death and destruction from inside of Your nation (Judg. 4:23; 8:28).

  7. Aliyah:

    Today, the exiled Jews are being regathered (Jer. 31:10) to an independent Jewish State (Jer. 30:8-10). Biblically, this must be fulfilled before the return of the Lord (Psa. 102:16), which is the real reason why the Devil rages against Israel's restoration today (Rev. 12:12-13).

    • We praise You for being able to see You fulfill Isaiah 43:5-7 at this time.

    • Continue to regather Your people back to Your land in great mercy (Isa. 54:7-8).

    • Lord God, fulfill Your promise of marrying all the new immigrants to Your land (Isa. 62:4-5).

    • Enable Jewish families and whole communities to return together (Ex. 12:37-38; Jer. 31:3-5).

    • Use the growth of Islam in the West to expedite the aliyah from those nations (Jer. 16:16).

    • Also, guide Western believers in how to pray about the Islamic spirit which is invading their nations and intimidating their leaders to not stand fully and unashamedly with Israel (Eph. 6:12).

    • Lord, use anti-Semites to remind Jews that regardless of what they do, or how they try to hide their Jewishness, they are still seen as Jewish, and still hated (Zeph. 3:19-20)!

    • King of Israel, turn Israel's outreach to the Jews in exile from trying to help them to remain there to encouraging them to come home (Psa. 14:7; 147:2; Amos 9:14-15).

    • Move upon Israel today, even in its wartime situation, to arrange houses, jobs, schools and Hebrew classes to facilitate the successful integration of every new immigrant (Ezek. 28:25-26; 36:8-12).

    • Lord God, remove all hindrances from making aliyah from Israel's bureaucratic system (Isa. 62:10).

    • Lord, show believers their biblical responsibility to help the Jews return to Israel – in prayer, through finances and good works, and by sharing with their Jewish friends that the exile is over and that they need to make aliyah as soon as possible (Isa. 49:22; 60:1-12; 61:5; Rom. 15:26-27).

  8. Salvation:

    Save us, YHWH our God, and gather us from the gentiles, to give thanks to Your holy name, and to triumph in Your praise. (Psa. 106:47) This verse links the salvation of Israel with aliyah – resulting in our God being glorified, praised and exalted!

    • Abba Father, use Jeremiah 2:13 and 3:4 in the prophetic portion to cause Your people to repent and to cry out to You for help.

    • Lord Yeshua, direct Your Body to pray for Israel's salvation – especially at this time (Rom. 10:1).

    • Abba, remove that partial blindness which You placed upon most Jews since Yeshua's day (Rom. 11:25-26), and reveal Messiah Yeshua to His family in the flesh today (Gen. 45:1-4; Rom. 10:3).

    • Impart to every Jew an urgency to read and study Your Word today (Jer. 15:16; 2 Tim. 3:15).

    • By Your grace Abba, save through Messiah Yeshua a large remnant of Holocaust survivors and their families; terror attacks survivors; living hostages and their loved ones; IDF soldiers and their families; loved ones of soldiers who died or are seriously injured; Jews considering suicide, like those with PTSD; widows, widowers and orphans, especially those since Oct. 7th; Jews on death's door; rabbis in all Jewish sects, both in Israel and in exile; Jewish lawyers, politicians, diplomats, university students, professors, teachers, medical personnel; anti-Bibi/anti-government demonstrators; Israelis in exile; LGBTQ+ Jews; Jewish hippies and "New Agers"; Iranian and Ethiopian Jews; Jews who have been genuinely provoked to jealousy by gentile believers; unsaved Jews married to a Jewish or a gentile believer; unsaved loved ones of Messianic Jews.

    • We praise You in advance for answering this prayer because of 1 John 5:14-15!

  9. Body of Messiah:

    I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse [i.e. make little of; denigrate; make despicable, treat with contempt and despise] you. (Gen. 12:3a). Sometimes I wonder whether believers realize that these blessings and curses apply to them as well. While this is usually not a salvation issue, it definitely impacts how effective ones' work for God will be, and what kind of rewards one will accumulate to offer up to Yeshua (1 Cor. 3:11-15; Rev. 4:11).

    • Lord Yeshua, as this is basically an issue of whether Your Body trusts in the Tanach the way You and the early believers did, please convict them to do that (Luke 16:31; 24:44; John 5:46).

    • In line with the above, heal the Body of its biblical anorexia and prophetic illiteracy through pouring out a deep hunger for all of Your Word (Jer. 15:16; Amos 8:11; Acts 20:32; 2 Tim. 2:15; Rev. 6:9).

    • King Yeshua, warn believers to turn from any arrogant attitudes they have towards the unsaved Jews and instead to bless them in whatever way You direct them (1 Sa. 2:3; Rom. 11:17-18, 22).

    • Lord, cast out from the Body all anti-Semitic and anti-Zionistic spirits (Num. 24:9b; John 4:22).

    • Abba, wake up the Body to the only thing You declare You will do with all of Your heart and all of Your soul – in all of Your Word – which is to plant Israel back in their land (Jer. 32:41).

    • Raise up more anointed sons and daughters of Zion to teach the Body (Acts 20:26-27; 2 Cor. 2:17).

    • Burden Your Body to pray corporately in line with Your Word (Psa. 133:1; Isa. 64:8; Matt. 6:9).

    • Remind Your Body that every time they declare You as the Lamb of God, there is that other side of You as well – as You are also the Lion of Judah (Rev. 5:5; cp. Gen. 49:9-10; Jer. 25:30; Joel 3:16).

  10. IFI:

    Thank you for your patience. The issue with WorldPay has apparently been resolved. Much of what is written in these alerts are general enough that if there is ever a time when we cannot send out the next alert, past alerts should still give you plenty to pray into. We bless you for your prayers and support for this ministry.

Shabbat shalom and blessings from Zion

Chuck Cohen, for the IFI team

Psa. 36:7-9