1. Praise:

    With all of the current threats against Israel, we need to be those whom God says have the good news of Yeshua and declare unto Zion, Your God reigns! (Isa. 52:7b)

    • We praise You God that You – Zion's God – are also our God in Messiah Yeshua (Heb. 2:8a).

    • We bless You God, for Your overriding sovereignty of Your world (Psa. 103:19; Prov. 19:21).

    • We praise You Yeshua for You are now Lord of all and all authority in heaven and on the earth are in Your hands (Dan. 7:13-14; Matt. 28:18; Acts 10:36).

    • We rejoice in You Messiah, and exalt You as the King of glory, and Lord of hosts (Psa. 24:7-10).

    • We are greatly encouraged that nothing whatsoever ever takes You by surprise (Isa. 46:10).

    • We rest in the truth that Your judgments are all righteous and just (Deut. 32:4; Job 3:8; Psa. 89:14).

    • We bless You for being a faithful covenant-keeping God (Neh. 9:32a; Acts 3:25; Heb. 13:20-21).

    • We thank You God, for giving us the victory through our Lord Yeshua the Messiah. (1 Cor. 15:57)

  2. External security:

    This week Israel was waiting to see if Iran and/or Hizbullah would attack. As of this time, they have not, although Hizbullah has fired multiply rockets on the north of Israel. Israel has a plan to pre-empt if it perceives that a major attack is inevitable. Meanwhile, the world is trying to get both Israel and these two terrorist regimes to back down. It is absolutely insane for the world to equate the Jewish nation with either one of them. Yet in 2024 the West continues to try and appease terror. Can you hear the Nazi leaders laughing in their graves?

    • God of Israel, defend Your reputation and promises by protecting Israel and scattering its enemies – especially Iran, Hizbullah, and Hamas (Ex. 32:11-13; Psa. 68:1; 74:22-23; 83:1-4).

    • Abba Father, strengthen the angelic hosts protecting Your nation today (Psa. 103:20-21; 148:2).

    • Lord, if this is the time to fulfill Micah 4:11-13, then make Israel into that prophetic threshing tool and let the results bring You much glory and honor – both in Israel and in the world (Ezek. 39:13).

    • As in the Torah reading, harden Israel's enemies' hearts and deliver them into its hands (Deut. 2:30).

    • Use the overblown pride endemic to Islam to draw them into destruction (Prov. 11:2a; 17:19).

    • Fulfill Deuteronomy 2:25 from the Torah portion: This day I will begin to put the dread and fear of you [Israel] on all nations…who hear of you, and shall tremble and be in anguish because of you.

    • Use Israel to execute Your judgment on all remaining terrorist leaders who are mass murderers, like Sinwar in Gaza, and Nasrallah in Lebanon (Ex. 21:14, 16; Ezek. 25:14; Rom. 13:3-4).

    • We bless You for the effects of Israel's pinpoint strikes on Hamas' political head Haniyeh in Tehran, and on Hizbullah's military chief Shukr in Beirut, which has resulted in increased paranoia and fear spreading through the leaderships of Iran, Hizbullah, and Hamas (Job 4:15; 6:4; Isa. 13:6-8).

    • Lord God, also send massive confusion upon them all (Psa. 35:4, 26; 109:29; Isa. 44:24-25).

    • Abba, put Israel's enemies to open shame so that at least some might seek Your name (Psa. 83:16).

    • Let those who were Israel's enemies and who are now saved, confess You openly (Matt. 10:32), and become provokers to jealousy of Your people (Rom. 11:11).

    • Encourage Israelis to look to and trust in You as You have given Israel the victory in every modern multi-front war that it has been forced to fight (Psa. 44:4; 89:18).

    • Abba, may this be the hour in which You break the bow of Elam [ancient Iran] (Jer. 49:35), and remove Iran's satanically inspired king and princes (Jer. 49:38b).

    • Guide the Body in Iran to know how to pray in this intense situation (Psa. 10:17; 140:6-8).

    • God of Israel, quickly promote more sons of Zion and of Issachar to lead the IDF and remove or turn towards You all humanistic sons of Greece who is still in that role (1 Chr. 12:32; Zech. 9:13).

    • Please do the exact same thing throughout Israel's intelligence corps (Prov. 1:2-3).

    • Show Israel's leaders that Israel will be criticized and condemned no matter what it does, so it might as well finish off the surrounding terrorists and deal with Iran's threats all at once (Psa. 60:11; 68:35).

  3. Government & society:

    The longer the battle against Hamas, Hizbullah, Iran, major global NGO's like the UN, and most Western leaders rages on, the more we see PM Bibi Netanyahu growing into a bold son of Zion. This does not surprise us as we know he is leading Israel at this time only because it is God's will (Dan. 4:17), and because God is hearing our prayers for him.

    • Lord, we trust in You and not in Israel's government, or in Bibi, yet we pray for them knowing You have ordained this government for just a time like this (Est. 4:14b; Psa. 99:1; Dan. 2:21).

    • We bless and praise You as we watch many Israeli sons and daughters of Zion being raised up, and we ask You for even more at this vital stage in history (1 Chr. 11:10; Jer. 30:18-19; Zech. 9:13).

    • Surround Bibi with sons of Zion and Issachar as his trusted advisors (I Chr. 12:32; Prov. 11:14).

    • God, close all mouths which instigate hatred and violence against him (Dan. 6:22; Zech. 3:2).

    • Lord, shield Israel's leaders mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually (Psa. 5:12; 115:9-11).

    • God of Israel, we ask You to draw all of them to seek You for wisdom and guidance by trusting in You and by reading Your word (Deut. 4:6-8; Psa. 119:98-100; Jer. 8:9).

    • Abba, turn Bibi and many other Israeli leaders to Your Son, and save them (John 6:37, 44; 17:2).

    • Almighty God, anoint Israel's current coalition for Your glory and make them one concerning all of the directions and goals that are Your will for Israel today (Psa. 115:1-3; 133:1).

    • Impart to Jews living in Israel, and among the gentiles, a biblically-correct outlook and remove from them every shred of politically-correct, humanistic thinking (Psa. 119:34, 169; Prov. 3:5; Dan. 12:10).

    • As Your people read Deuteronomy 1:16-17 in the Torah portion let this charge from Moses impact them greatly and use it to hasten the fulfillment of Isaiah 1:25-27 which is in the prophetic portion.

  4. Foreign relations:

    It is unbelievable to see how far removed from being Israel's strongest ally America has become under President Biden. All signs are that it will only get worse if current Vice President Kamala Harris wins in November. And if the US can backstab Israel while it is at war, so can its other "friends," which is what we are seeing the UK's new government doing today.

    • Lord, watch over Your word in Jeremiah 31:10b concerning all of Israel's foreign relations.

    • God, let not Israel try to hinder what You are doing to fulfill Numbers 23:9b at this time (Ex. 33:16).

    • Use this sudden global betrayal of Israel to focus Israelis on You and not on man (Psa. 118:8-9).

    • Messiah, wake up Your Body to warn their nations of Your judgments which are already falling on most of them because of their desertion of Israel in its time of need (Num. 24:9b; Ezek. 29:6-7).

    • Messiah Yeshua, exert Your authority over the UN and its outreaches who consistently curse Israel through lies and false accusations, and silence them (Num. 24:9b; Jer. 10:25; 30:20; Zech. 2:13).

    • Give Danny Danon a fresh anointing as he once again is Israel's UN Ambassador (Prov. 13:17b).

    • Lord God of Israel, raise up many more sons and daughters of Zion and of Issachar to positions of influence in all of Israel's diplomatic corps (Ex. 18:19a; 1Chr. 12:32; Psa. 16:7; Prov. 15:22).

    • Give all representatives of Your nation throughout the world, whether professionals or laypersons, a Spirit-imparted boldness to use and proclaim Your Word as often as possible (Isa. 55:11: Gal. 4:16).

  5. War in Gaza vs. Hamas:

    Despite media reports, Netanyahu has set very sensible redlines for any hostage deal or ceasefire. His goal is to prevent Hamas from ruling in Gaza and to not cave in to Hamas' emotional blackmail over the hostages. Yet Biden is furious with him because Biden's goal is to stop the war before the November elections in order to obtain at least one diplomatic victory.

    • Thank You for Bibi's red-lines in any hostage/ceasefire deals, and do not allow him to be swayed by the huge amount of criticism, internally and externally, that he constantly receives (Isa. 50:7; 54:17).

    • We praise You for hardening Hamas' leaders so that they always make major unacceptable changes in any proposed deal which would end up causing problems for Israel (Josh. 11:19-20; Rom. 9:17-23).

    • Fulfill Jeremiah 30:23-24 in relation to Yahya Sinwar, Hamas' new head, who is hiding underground somewhere in Gaza, most likely surrounded by Israeli hostages as human shields (Psa. 139:12).

    • God, also uncover the place where Israel's hostages are being kept (Zech. 9:11-12), and let the IDF free them (Isa. 49:24-26), and thus release Israel from Hamas' emotional blackmail (Num. 23:23).

    • Increase the success and deadliness of the IDF attacks inside of Gaza (Ezek. 37:10).

    • Unchain Israel from the handcuffs which the West and international NGO's has put on it and release Your nation to war against its enemies in a biblical manner (Deut. 28:7; Ezek. 37:10; Zech. 12:4-8).

    • Uncover every undiscovered terror tunnel in Gaza, especially along the Egyptian-Gaza border, and show the IDF how to either use them or destroy them (Job 28:11b; 34:21-22; Obad. 1:6).

    • Considering the expectations, Lord thank You for how You have so miraculously protected Israel's soldiers in Gaza and we ask You to continue doing that against all attacks and traps of its enemies, as well as against friendly fire and all other accidents (Psa. 121:4; Zech. 9:16; 10:5-8).

    • God of Israel, silence all Israeli and global media who lie and twist the truth about Israel (Psa. 101:5; Prov. 10:18; Jer. 9:3), and this "just war" that it is fighting (Psa. 45:3-5; Isa. 63:1-5; Rev. 19:11).

    • Use the betrayal by the nations of Israel while it is in the midst of a multi-front war to show Israel its existential need to quickly manufacture all of its own weapons and ammunition (Prov. 8:12).

  6. Internal security:

    We begin reading in Deuteronomy for this Shabbat's Torah portion. God promises to give the land to Israel more than 80 times in this book, with almost 20 of those times swearing to do so. Therefore, this is the time to press on in prayer for Israel to possess its God-given possessions by extending its sovereignty over all of the Promised Land west of the Jordan River.

    • Lord, as Deuteronomy is read over the next several months, move upon more of Your people to see how serious You are in wanting them to possess all of their God-given land (Num. 23:19; Deut. 1:8).

    • Abba, aid Israel to increase the populations, homes and businesses of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, on the Golan Heights, in the Galilee, and in the Negev (Isa. 49:19-20; 54:2-3).

    • As terror attacks increase in intensity, let Israel's biblical response be to spread its sovereignty over more and more of the land and to build more settlements (Judg. 2:1-5; Psa. 105:5-11).

    • Yet we do thank You that most terror attacks in Israel are unsuccessful (Psa. 7:15-16; 55:23).

    • Strip off from Palestinian terrorists and terror groups all demonic protection (Num. 14:9; Josh 2:24).

    • Guide Israel on how to deal with the thousands of terrorists they have imprisoned (Psa. 5:4; 10:15).

    • Improve Israel's ability in guarding its roads, checkpoints and its entire public transit system against terror attacks in Your land – from the river to the sea (Deut. 28:6-7; Psa. 121:8).

    • God, as per Deuteronomy 6:10-11, let the illegal houses the EU has financed for the Palestinians to build in Area C end up as homes for Your people as they return and settle Your land (Josh. 24:13).

    • As Israel wars against enemy nations, may Your hand subdue Israeli-Arabs from trying to cause death and chaos from inside of Your nation (Judg. 4:23; 8:28).

    • Lord Yeshua, save Your people who are now back in Your land (Jer. 31:7b; Ezek. 36:24-27, 37).

  7. Aliyah:

    God is regathering His scattered people (Jer. 31:8-10). This is a part of His answer to believers' prayers to save the remnant of Israel (Jer. 31:7-9). Most believers who stand against this are humanistic "sons of Greece" who view "social justice" as more important than God fulfilling His prophetic promises (2 Pet. 1:19-21). For the rest of us, these are exciting, inspiring and fearful days leading up to the return of our Lord.

    • Reveal to Your Body that You are well able to fulfill every one of Your prophetic utterances and also be socially just at the same time (Isa. 55:11; Jer. 32:17, 27).

    • We rejoice in being able to see You fulfill Isaiah 43:5-7 – for Your glory's sake (Isa. 43:21).

    • Speed up the drawing of Your people back to Your land by Your covenant-faithfulness (Jer. 31:3).

    • God, raise up many more shepherds to lead the Jews out of today's Egypt (Ex. 15:13; Isa. 63:11-13).

    • Bring Jewish families and whole communities back home together (Ex. 12:37-38; Jer. 31:3-5).

    • Confront Jewish parents with the option of having their children intimidated by anti-Semitic spirits, or seeing them in the IDF battling in defense of their ancestral homeland (Deut. 3:22; 20:1-4).

    • Bring good out of the explosion of Jew-hatred in the West by chasing many Jews home (Jer. 16:16).

    • Lord, deal with Jewish pride which states, "They will not chase us out!" by showing them that it is You who are doing both the chasing and the drawing (Prov. 16:18; Jer. 31:3-5, 8-10).

    • Set Western Jews free of their dangerous expectation that life will return to "normal," as the current surge of anti-Semitic hatred will not dissipate until Your return (Deut. 30:3-5; Zech. 10:8-10).

    • Allow the anti-Semites to teach the Jews that whatever they do, or however they try to hide their Jewishness, they are still Jewish, and are still hated (Ezek. 35:5; Zeph. 3:19-20)!

    • Lord God, give You people dreams – or nightmares – and visions to scare them out of their captivity among the gentiles (Job 4:12-15; Hos. 11:10-11).

    • Arise and set free all Jews in any nation that blocks them from leaving (Isa. 25:9-12; Zeph. 3:19-20).

    • Hasten every plan of Israel's to be ready to settle millions of new immigrants (Ezek. 36:8-12).

    • Lord God, remove all hindrances from making aliyah from Israel's bureaucratic system (Isa. 62:10).

    • Change the rabbinical definition of "who is a Jew?" to line up with the biblical definition and open Israel's doors to everyone You see as Jewish to easily get their citizenship (Psa. 119:116; Isa. 62:10).

    • Lord, reveal to Your Body the biblical duty to aid the Jews to make aliyah – in prayer, by finances and good works, and by telling their Jewish neighbors that the exile is over and they should return home to Israel as soon as possible (Isa. 49:22; 60:1-12; 61:5; Rom. 15:26-27).

    • May many Jews who have returned to the land through the help of gentile believers be so provoked to jealousy by their love and concern, that they are draw to You and are saved (Rom. 11:11).

  8. Salvation:

    Although the salvation of souls has often been seen as the ultimate goal of believers and the Body, Yeshua left us another example: salvation's ultimate goal is to bring glory to God (John 13:31-32; 14:13; 17:1-5; Phil. 2:9-11)!

    • Lord Yeshua, speak to more believers to intercede for Israel's salvation – and to keep in focus Your goal – which is that Israel's salvation is for Your holy name's sake (Ezek. 36:22-32; Rom. 10:1).

    • Wake up born-again gentiles to see that Romans 1:16 and 11:11 are still applicable today.

    • As Jews read the prophetic portion, challenge them to reason together, or even argue, with You pleading with You to make their sins as white as snow (Isa. 1:18).

    • Abba Father, strip off the partial blindness that You placed on most Jews for almost 2,000 years concerning who Messiah really is and reveal Yeshua to them today (Rom. 11:25-26).

    • Impart to all unsaved Jews a holy dissatisfaction concerning their personal relationship with You as compared to the relationships many Jews had with You in biblical times (Psa. 42:2; Mark 9:24).

    • Save many of Israel's current sons and daughters of Zion – revealing to them that their King Messiah has already come and is coming back very soon (Zech. 9:9; 12:10; 14:1-4).

    • [Please ask God which specific group or groups of Jews He wants you to intercede for this week.]

  9. Body of Messiah:

    I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse [i.e. make little of; denigrate; make despicable, treat with contempt and despise] you. (Gen. 12:3a). I used this verse last week, yet it is so important for believers to personalize this truth, that I feel a need to stress this again. This is one of the main reasons why deception can flow so freely into the Body and is often accepted as if it is of God – like replacement theology!

    • Lord Yeshua, heal this wound in Your Body by showing more believers that the Tanach is the only Bible You had, read and trusted in during Your incarnation (Luke 24:44; John 5:46; 2 Tim. 3:15-17).

    • Walk through the Body and cast out from its members all demonic spirits of Jew and Israel-hatred, regardless of what excuses are given to justify it (Gen. 18:18; 22:18; John 4:22; Rom. 9:1-5).

    • Lord, warn believers to flee from attitudes of pride or racism against unsaved Jews and instead to bless them as Your Spirit leads (1 Sam. 2:3; Prov. 8:13; Rom. 11:17-18, 22).

    • Teach Your Body the joy and efficiency of true corporate prayer (Psa. 133:1; Matt. 6:9; 1 Cor. 6:19).

    • Especially at this stage in history, help the Body to know You not only as the Lamb of God (John 1:29, 36), but also as the Lion of Judah (Rev. 5:5), and as a Man of War (Ex. 15:3; Isa. 42:13).

  10. IFI:

    Thank you for covering us by your prayers – especially at this time. Also we bless you for encouraging us by your words and through your financial support.

Shabbat shalom and blessings from Zion

Chuck Cohen, for the IFI team

Rom. 13:11