1. Praise:

    Again we read in Shabbat's Torah portion that our God, the God of Israel, is the God of this world. While Satan, by God's permission, is the god of this age (2 Cor. 4:4), our God reigns! Know this day, and consider it in your heart, that YHWH – He is God in heaven above, and upon the earth beneath: there is none else. (Deut. 4:39; cp. Matt. 11:25)

    • Thank You Lord God for this very clear declaration of Your overriding sovereignty (Psa. 103:19)!

    • We acknowledge that although You reign, we do not, nor can we (Deut. 29:29), know precisely what You are doing in the world, in Israel, in Your Body, or even in us – yet we trust You (Prov. 3:5).

    • What we do know is that Isaiah 40:8 in Shabbat's prophetic reading is both true and the truth: The grass withers, the flower fades: but the word of our God shall stand forever.

    • Thank You Lord Yeshua that this verse applies to Your words as well (Matt. 24:35; Luke 21:33).

    • We are blessed to see Isaiah 40:5 in the prophetic portion being fulfilled in Messiah (John 1:14).

    • We praise You for Your sovereignty which is foundational for all of our intercessions (Num. 23:19).

  2. External security:

    Israel is hesitant to pre-empt Hizbullah or Iran, although their threats against it have gone on for decades – and increased recently. Israel knows that the world would condemn it if it did pre-empt despite Hizbullah's firing of rockets and mortars at Israel's north, and news reports of their intent to attack Israel changes almost daily. I finish the final edit of these alerts on Friday mornings, so while we prayed this past week about the negotiations in Doha which started yesterday and continue today between Israel and Hamas' agents – America, Egypt and Qatar – who demand a ceasefire and hostage deal from Israel but have not demanded Hamas to surrender, as of this writing we do not know what will be the conclusion of these meetings. So by the time you read this Hizbullah and/or Iran may have already launched a major attack against God's nation.

    • In this tense situation, we declare to Zion in Yeshua's name, Your God reigns (Isa. 52:7b)!

    • God of Israel, Your reputation and Your promises to Israel are at stake, so arise and scatter Your enemies – for Your holy name's sake (Ex. 32:11-13; Num. 10:35; Deut. 32:41; Psa. 74:22-23).

    • Reinforce Your angelic armies fighting for Your nation at this time (Psa. 35:4-6; 78:49).

    • Lord, if this is the time to fulfill Micah 4:11-13, then make Israel into that prophetic threshing tool and let the results bring You much glory and honor – both in Israel and in the world (Ezek. 39:13).

    • As Israel faces a multi-front war, turn Israelis to look to and trust in You knowing how You have given Israel the victory in all of its modern multi-front wars since 1948 (Deut. 20:1; Psa. 44:4).

    • Lord of hosts, if Israel needs to pre-empt Hizbullah and/or Iran now – guide it to do just that, with courage, wisdom and insight from on high (Josh. 1:3-7; Psa. 18:34; 141:1, 8-10).

    • Do not allow the fear of the nations prevent it from pre-emption as happened in 1973 and which was such a huge mistake that then-PM Golda Meir considered using atomic weapons to save Israel!

    • Lord of hosts, raise up many more sons of Zion and of Issachar to positions of influence in the IDF and remove every humanistic son of Greece who is in those positions (1 Chr. 12:32; Zech. 9:13).

    • Expose to the light all of Iran's or Hizbullah's current plans against Israel (Prov. 15:3; Luke 12:2).

    • Do not let Israel miss this chance to deal a death blow to these demonic foes (Deut. 3:3; Josh 2:24).

    • Continue to use Israel as Your instrument of judgment against all of the remaining mass-murdering terrorist leaders, like Hamas' Sinwar and Hizbullah's Nasrallah (Jer. 51:20-23; Rom. 13:3-4).

    • Lord God, confound all who hate Zion, like these terrorist leaders, as well as Iran's current leaders, the Houthis in Yemen, leaders in Syria and Iraq, and even those who hate Zion in the West and who truly despise Your people and Your nation (Psa. 70:2; Jer. 17:18).

    • Anoint Israeli drone operators to be accurate and precise in targeting Israel's enemies (1 Chr. 5:18).

    • Abba, shame Israel's enemies to seek Your name, and if they refuse, eliminate them (Psa. 83:16-18).

    • God, break Elam's [ancient Iran's] bow (Jer. 49:35), and destroy its evil leaders (Jer. 49:38b).

    • Protect Your Body in Iran and lead it in prayer during this intense situation (Psa. 10:17; Luke 11:2).

    • We ask the same for the Body in Lebanon, Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East (Psa. 91:14-16).

  3. Government & society:

    We are very grateful to see more sons and daughters of Zion speaking the truth to Israel and the world. This answer to prayer encourages us to continue praying for this. Often these people can be identified because of how most of Israel's media and most Western media and politicians despise them – like Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon.

    • Thank You that Israel's current and future existence is affirmed by Deuteronomy 4:31 in Shabbat's Torah portion, that You are merciful and will not forget Your covenant with Israel's forefathers.

    • Lord, we trust in You and not in Israel's government, yet we pray for them knowing You have raised up this government for just a time like this (Est. 4:14b; Psa. 99:1; Dan. 2:21).

    • Abba Father, continue to anoint Israel's sons and daughters of Zion with wisdom and the authority they need to steer Your nation in a more biblical path (Deut. 4:5-6; Isa. 28:5-6; Zech. 9:13).

    • Lord, as Israelis, especially its leaders, read Deuteronomy 4:5-7 in Shabbat's Torah portion, by Your Spirit move upon them to commit to reading and obeying Your Word more.

    • Guard over Israel's leaders mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually (Psa. 5:12; 115:9-11).

    • As Bibi Netanyahu reads Deuteronomy 4:24, impart a healthy dose of the fear of God in his heart to strongly resist any compromises that are against Your revealed will (Psa. 80:17).

    • Bring to him sons of Zion and sons of Issachar as his trusted advisors (I Chr. 12:32; Prov. 11:14).

    • Guard him from internal groups trying to manipulate him, whether it is some of the hostage families, politicians, or military officers who still plan as if it is October 6th (Num. 23:23; Psa. 35:1; 43:1).

    • Lord of hosts, let that spirit of unity, courage and faith which is seen in most of the IDF soldiers who are fighting in Gaza, spread throughout the rest of Israeli society (2 Chr. 30:12; Matt. 13:33).

    • Release Your "perfect peace" [shalom shalom] on all Israelis whose loved ones have been murdered or sexually abused, who are still held hostage, or whose fate is still unknown (Isa. 61:1-3; Matt. 5:4).

    • Lord, please manifest Isaiah 1:25-27 as soon as possible in relation to Israel's judicial system.

    • God, speak to Your land to abundantly provide all of Israel's needs (Psa. 135:15; Ezek. 36:8-12).

  4. Foreign relations:

    We have seen Numbers 23:9b come to pass very quickly since Oct. 7th. One would think that Hamas' demonic attack against Israeli civilians would have gained for it at least a little sympathy. Unfortunately, it was very little as already on Oct. 8th foreign politicians were calling for a ceasefire and global groups were demonstrating against Israel's right to defend itself.

    • Since being set apart from the world and being separated unto You is one definition of being "holy," we bless You for moving Israel to be that holy nation for which You chose it (Ex. 19:5; Isa. 41:8).

    • Lord, deal with the nations' betrayal of Your nation in line with what it says in the prophetic portion: [He] brings the princes to nothing; He makes the judges of the earth as vanity. (Isa. 40:23)

    • Use this global backstabbing of Israel to turn Israelis to You and away from man (Psa. 118:8-9).

    • Lord God, fulfill Your word in Jeremiah 31:10b in relation to all of Israel's foreign relations.

    • As You do that, promote more sons and daughters of Zion and of Issachar to have a greater impact in all areas of Israel's diplomatic corps (1 Chr. 12:32; Psa. 73:24a; Isa. 48:17).

    • Supply Israeli representatives throughout the nations, both professionals and laypeople, with a God-anointed boldness to use Your Word whenever and wherever they can (Isa. 40:8; 55:11: Gal. 4:16).

    • Pour into Danny Danon a fresh anointing to once again be Israel's UN Ambassador (Prov. 13:17b).

    • Help Israel to reevaluate its relations with, or even its need for, the UN (Isa. 40:15-17; Jer. 50:28).

    • Lord Yeshua, show more believers their biblical duty to pray for their nation's relations with Israel, so that You can have mercy on those nations (Ezek. 22:30-31: cp. Isa. 60:12; Zech. 12:9).

  5. "Operations Swords of Iron,"

    Israel's war in Gaza against Hamas, continues with excellent results, although at times the path to a "total victory" seems murky. Part of the IDF's ability to win its battles is because Netanyahu has set realistic non-negotiable redlines for any hostage deal or ceasefire. His aim is to prevent Hamas from ever ruling in Gaza again and not submitting to Hamas' emotional blackmail over the hostages today.

    • Lord, hold Bibi to his redlines for any deal and guard him from being moved by the internal and external floods of criticism that try to drown him (Psa. 124:1-5; Isa. 50:7; Ezek. 3:8-9).

    • Do not let Iran's latest ploy – to link their attack on Israel to whether it submits to a ceasefire deal on Hamas' terms – be successful, regardless of how much Biden and others push for it (Psa. 124:1-8).

    • Watch over Jeremiah 30:23-24 in relation to Yahya Sinwar, Hamas' new leader who hides in Gaza underground and surrounded by Israeli hostages as human shields (Job 12:22; Psa. 95:4).

    • God, reveal where those hostages are being imprisoned (Zech. 9:11-12), and guide the IDF to find and free them (Isa. 49:24-26), and so set Israel free from Hamas' emotional blackmail (Psa. 140:7).

    • Increase the success and deadliness of the IDF attacks inside of Gaza (Psa. 9:7; Ezek. 37:10).

    • Remove from Israel the handcuffs which the West and international NGO's have put on, and release Your nation to fight its enemies in a biblical manner (Deut. 28:7; Ezek. 37:10; Zech. 12:4-8).

    • Anoint the IDF to war as those prophesied sons of Zion (Zech. 9:13-15; 10:3a-7).

    • Uncover every undiscovered terror tunnel in Gaza, including along the Egyptian-Gaza border, and show the IDF how to use or destroy them (Isa. 29:15; Obad. 1:6).

    • God of truth, let Israel constantly declare the truth that all civilian deaths, Gazans and Israelis, are Hamas' doing as Hamas broke the ceasefire and attacked Israel, they and their weapons are hidden in civilian areas and their fighters dress-up as civilians (Job 24:14; Psa. 5:10; 10:8; 34:21).

    • Thank You that Israel is looking more internally, to its own military industries, to supply it with all it needs to defend itself – and is depending less on its "allies" (Prov. 8:12; Isa. 30:1).

    • Lord God Almighty, direct Israel (Prov. 16:9) to repossess Gaza after the war since it is part of the inheritance of Judah (Josh. 15:1, 47; Judg. 1:18).

  6. Internal security:

    Jews are reading the book of Deuteronomy as Shabbat's Torah portions from now until the fall feasts in October. With God promising the land to Israel more than 80 times in that book and almost 20 of those times He swears to do so, this is a great time to intercede for Israel to possess all of its God-given possessions (Obad. 1:17-20).

    • Abba, use Deuteronomy 6:23 from this week's Torah portion to confirm to Israeli Jews that all of the land from the river to the sea is their God-given inheritance (Num. 23:19).

    • During Israel's current tense atmosphere, Lord aid the populations, homes and businesses of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and everywhere else in Your land, to grow (Isa. 49:19-20; 51:3).

    • Thank You that Israel's response to terror attacks is beginning to be to spread its sovereignty over more of its land and to build more communities (Judg. 2:1-5; Psa. 105:5-11; Jer. 32:41-44).

    • Aid the IDF to develop a Jordan Valley battalion to guard over that very long border (Mal. 1:5).

    • Remove all demonic protection from Palestinian terrorists and terror groups (Num. 14:9; Josh 2:24).

    • Lord God, suddenly pluck out Your enemies from off of Your land (Psa. 10:16; Jer. 12:14-17).

    • God, fulfill Deuteronomy 6:10-11, by using the illegal houses the EU has built for the Palestinians in Area C to become homes for Your people as they settle throughout Your land (Josh. 24:13).

    • Lord of hosts, let the hatred and suspicion that exists between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas to boil over, causing them to war against, and ultimately destroy, each other (Psa. 35:4, 26; 55:9).

    • Lord Yeshua, save many Jews who are now back in Your land (Jer. 31:7b; Ezek. 36:24-27, 37).

    • Also, Lord, walk among the Palestinians and save many of them as well (Matt. 5:44; Luke 19:10).

  7. Aliyah:

    God's regathering of His scattered people is an open witness to the truth of His Word and the reliability of His promises (Jer. 31:8-10). This is also an answer to believers who have been praying for Him to save the remnant of Israel (Jer. 31:7-9).

    • What a joy to watch You fulfill Isaiah 43:5-6, for Your glory's sake (Isa. 43:7, 21).

    • God, at this time bring more Jews home from all places to where You scattered them (Deut. 30:1-5).

    • Lord, in Your covenant-love, hasten the return of Jews from the nations back to Israel (Jer. 31:3).

    • Abba, draw whole families and even communities back home together (Ex. 12:37-38; Jer. 31:3-5).

    • Cause Jewish parents to face the reality of either seeing their children intimidated by anti-Semitic spirits, or seeing them in the IDF fighting for their ancestral homeland (Isa. 41:10-16; Ezek. 37:10).

    • Let the wave of Jew-hatred and growth of Islam in the West chase Your people home (Jer. 16:16).

    • Use anti-Semites to show Jews that they cannot hide their Jewishness (Deut. 28:29; Rom. 8:28)!

    • Lord God, send Your people nightmares to scare them out of the exile (Job 4:12-15; Amos 3:8).

    • God, set free Jews in all nations which stop them from emigrating (Isa. 25:9-12; Zeph. 3:19-20).

    • Draw home Jews with practical, as well as medical and scientific, skills (Neh. 4:16-18).

    • Show Jews who want to make aliyah where to obtain or find all the needed paperwork (Psa. 23:1-3).

    • Lord God, remove all hindrances from making aliyah in Israel's bureaucratic system (Mic. 2:13).

    • Hasten the fulfillment of Israel's plans to cope with millions of new immigrants (Ezek. 36:8-12).

    • Lord God, fulfill Your promise of marrying all the new immigrants to Your land (Isa. 62:4-5).

    • Lord Yeshua, reveal to Your Body that the aliyah is a major part of Your will being done on the earth today (Isa. 43:5-7; Luke 11:2b).

  8. Salvation:

    Saving souls is often seen by believers as God's ultimate goal, yet Yeshua taught us that salvation's ultimate goal is to bring God glory (John 13:31-32; 14:13; 17:1-5; Phil. 2:9-11)!

    • Lord Yeshua, show more believers to pray for Israel's salvation, and remind them that the goal is for Israel's salvation to glorify Your holy name (Ezek. 36:22-32; Rom. 10:1).

    • As Jews read Deuteronomy 6:4-6 this week in the Torah portion, speak to them of the impossibility for anyone to do this unless Your divine grace enables one to accomplish this (Zech. 4:6b).

    • Abba Father, remove that partial blindness You put on most Jews for the last 2,000 years about who Messiah really is and reveal Yeshua to them today (Rom. 11:25-26).

    • By Your grace Abba, save a large remnant of Holocaust survivors and their families; terror attacks survivors; hostages still alive and their loved ones; IDF soldiers and families; loved ones of soldiers who were killed or are permanently wounded; Jews contemplating suicide, like those with PTSD; widows, widowers, orphans, especially since Oct. 7th; Jews on their deathbeds; rabbis in all Jewish denominations, both in Israel and in exile; Jewish lawyers, diplomats, university students, professors, teachers, medical personnel; anti-Bibi/anti-government demonstrators; sons and daughters of Zion; Israel's Supreme Court judges; media personalities; Israelis in exile; LGBTQ+ Jews; Jewish hippies and "New Agers"; Iranian and Ethiopian Jews; unsaved loved ones of Messianic Jews.

    • May many Jews who have returned to the land through the help of gentile believers be so provoked to jealousy by their love and concern, that they are draw to You and are saved (Rom. 11:11).

  9. Body of Messiah:

    Shabbat's prophetic portion speaks directly to gentile members of the Body: Comfort, comfort My people, says your God. (Isa. 40:1). In the Tanach, "My people" always refers to Israel. So who is this other "people" who are not Jews, yet who God says are His people that are called to comfort the Jews? There is only one group in all of history that this can possibly refer to – the gentile members of Messiah's Body.

    • In line with what is written in the introduction to this section, heal the Body of its biblical anorexia and prophetic illiteracy by imparting a deep hunger for all of Your Word (Jer. 15:16; Amos 8:11; Acts 20:32; 2 Tim. 2:15; Heb. 5:13-14; Rev. 6:9).

    • Aid believers to interpret Your Word, including the prophecies, in context (2 Tim. 3:15-17).

    • Promote many more sons and daughters of Zion to teach Your Body (Acts 20:26-27; 2 Cor. 2:17).

    • Messiah Yeshua, convict more of Your Body that Israel's restoration and salvation is crucial to Your end-time plans and to Your return in glory (Isa. 41:11; 43:5-7; 60:12; Zech. 8:1-8; 12:2-10).

    • Use the remnant who do understand Your plans and purposes for Israel in these last days to be like a grain of mustard and impact many others within Your Body (Matt. 13:31-32)

    • Lord God, warn Your children to reject all proud or racist attitudes towards unsaved Jews and to bless them instead in whatever way Your Spirit directs (Prov. 8:13; Isa. 37:23; Rom. 11:17-18, 22).

    • Lord, cast out from the Body all anti-Semitic and anti-Zionistic spirits (Num. 24:9b).

    • Expose replacement theology as a demonic, Jew-hating doctrine (1 Tim. 4:1).

    • Reveal to the Body that You are still a Man of War today (Ex. 15:3; Isa. 42:13; Rev. 19:11-16).

    • May the practice of real corporate prayer permeate the worldwide Body (Matt. 18:20; Heb. 4:16).

  10. IFI:

    We are weary and truly appreciate you holding our arms up in prayer. We also ask for continued prayer so that we can hear our Shepherd's voice as He directs us in intercession.

Thank you, Shabbat shalom and blessings from Zion

Chuck Cohen, for the IFI team

Lam. 3:22-23