1. Praise:

    Isaiah 54:5 in Shabbat's prophetic portion reveals God's intimate relationship, both to Israel and to us who are grafted into Israel's olive tree: For your Maker is your husband; YHWH of hosts is His name; and your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; the God of the whole earth shall He be called. (Isaiah 54:5)

    • Lord, we rejoice that as the good news of Messiah Yeshua has gone from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth, You are known today as the God of the whole earth (Gen. 24:3; Matt. 11:25; Acts 1:8).

    • We are both humbled and grateful at how You declare Your relationship with Israel and those in Messiah's Body in terms of being our loving Father (Isa. 9:6; 63:16; 64:8; Matt. 5:16; 6:9; John 3:16).

    • Lord, we take great comfort that You are today Lord of all (Isa. 52:7; Matt. 28:18; Acts 10:36).

    • We praise You for affirming that You, Messiah Yeshua. who are now our Redeemer, are also the Lord of heaven's armies (Job 19:25; Psa. 19:14; Isa. 60:16; Jer. 51:19).

    • Thank You for reminding us in the prophetic portion of Your eternal covenant of faithfulness, peace and mercy towards us as well as towards Israel (Isa. 54:10).

  2. Government & society:

    While it may not seem so from how the media slants things, there are definite signs that more Israelis are seeing things clearer and not being deceived by the screams of protesting crowds or manipulative politicians. This is good news for the current government, but it is very frustrating to those afflicted with BDS – Bibi Derangement Syndrome!

    • Lord, reveal to Israel's leaders of their great need to seek You for wisdom and guidance, and of their need to read Your Word regularly (Psa. 24:6; 63:1; 119:98-100; Jer. 8:9; 15:16).

    • God, we praise You as we see many sons and daughters of Zion being raised up in Israel, and we ask for multitudes more at this strategic stage in history (1 Chr. 11:10; Jer. 30:18-19; Zech. 9:13).

    • Gift PM Bibi Netanyahu with that wisdom and knowledge of which Daniel spoke (Dan. 2:21b).

    • Enable Bibi to sleep well and provide him with "divine caffeine" as needed (Psa. 4:8; 127:2).

    • Lord, send him sons of Zion and of Issachar to give him godly advice (I Chr. 12:32; Prov. 11:14).

    • Help him to encourage himself in You even as many voices are raised up against him (1 Sam. 30:6).

    • Thank You that another one of the legal cases against him – the "Submarine Affair" – has sunk!

    • Lord, bind up that spirit of insanity that has taken hold of the Bibi-haters (Eccl. 9:3; 2 Pet. 2:16).

    • Abba, have the final say of whether Gideon Sa'ar should join the current government (Psa. 75:6-7).

    • Lord of hosts, let that spirit of unity, courage and faith which is displayed in most of the IDF soldiers fighting in Gaza, to spread quickly through the rest of Israeli society (2 Chr. 30:12; Matt. 13:33).

    • God Almighty, silence the Israeli and international media who condemn Israel whenever it moves in line with Your will for its situation today (Psa. 140:1-4; Isa. 59:19; Rev. 17:14).

    • Abba Father, guard over the younger generation of Israelis from the humanistic, anti-Christ lies that are often spread via the internet and through much of today's social media (Psa. 71:7; Isa. 54:13).

    • God, fulfill Isaiah 1:25-27 today in relation to Israel's overactive Supreme Court.

    • Lord, release Your "perfect peace" on Israelis who are dealing with murdered or sexually abused loved ones, or loved ones still hostages, or whose fate is as yet unknown (Isa. 61:1-3; Matt. 5:4).

    • Abba Father, sustain Israel's economy miraculously today (Psa. 132:13-15; Jer. 32:17).

    • God of hosts, thank You that the IDF is looking more to Israel's local military industries for its needs and looking less to its 'broken reed" allies (Isa. 30:1; 36:6; 41:10-16).

  3. Foreign relations:

    Israel is a pariah nation today, always being judged by a higher standard than any other nation. This has been ongoing ever since Balaam prophesied of this (Num. 23:9b). Yet its fulfillment has picked up speed because of Israel's commitment to defend itself – which most nations say it has the right to do. But when it does defends itself, by killing its enemies, the spirit that hates the God of the Bible and which runs rampant in today's world, comes gushing out, condemning God's people (Psa. 83:1-4).

    • Lord, You see how Your nation is constantly judged by a higher standard than other nations, so we pray You would stir Yourself up and defend Israel – for Your holy name's sake (Psa. 35:23; 80:2).

    • God Almighty, rebuke every nation that says it supports Israel's right to defend itself, which it would never dare say about any other nation because that right should be obvious (Psa. 119:21).

    • Lord, as You did with Balaam, turn today's curses against Your people, whether from nations, global NGOs, or the mainstream media, into blessings because of Your love for them (Deut. 23:5).

    • God, as You are the One who raises up and brings down leaders (Prov. 8:15; Dan. 2:21a), use the leaders in the world today to fulfill You plans (Psa. 33:11), resulting in Your glory (Hab. 3:3).

    • Protect Your nation from its "friends" – as well as from its enemies (Prov. 25:19; Ezek. 29:6-7).

    • Guard over Israel's future relationship with America regardless of who their next president will be, and wean Israel off from depending on the US – to depending on You (Psa. 20:7; 118:8-9; Isa. 31:1).

    • Lead Israel to develop relations with those nations that both need it and benefit from it, so that Your promise to make Israel the head of all nations will be furthered (Deut. 26:19; 28:13).

    • Speak truth through every Israeli diplomat regardless of how people respond (Prov. 9:8; Gal. 4:16).

    • Anoint Danny Danon, Israel's UN Ambassador, to be like David before Goliath (Prov. 26:1b).

    • Messiah Yeshua, wield Your authority over the UN and its outreaches which constantly curse Israel through their lies and false accusations, and silence them (Num. 24:9b; Jer. 10:25; 30:20; Zech. 2:13).

    • King Messiah, guide all believers who do intercede for their nation's relations with Israel, and have as much mercy as possible on those nations (Ezek. 22:30-31: cp. Isa. 60:12; Zech. 12:9).

  4. "Operations Swords of Iron:"

    It is obvious that it was a mistake to declare Israel's war goals as both the defeat of Hamas and the rescue of the hostages. Today we can see that it is not possible to do both at the same time. Unfortunately the hostages, a less vital goal for Israel's overall security both for today and tomorrow, has taken center stage; it is a very emotional issue and rescuing them is more acceptable to the world than killing the enemies of the Jews. Also, the hostage issue is being used by forces inside and outside of Israel to bring down Netanyahu and his government.

    • Lord, as Bibi's redlines for the current negotiations with Hamas make great sense, protect him from the attacks against him from many different people, groups and even nations (Psa. 23:4; Ezek. 3:9).

    • Support his insistence that the IDF remains in overall security in Gaza, and along the Philadelphi Corridor on Gaza's border with Egypt, for the foreseeable future (Isa. 19:19; 60:18; Mal. 1:5).

    • Lord, as he reads Deuteronomy 23:21-22 in Shabbat's Torah portion convict him to keep his word.

    • As the events surrounding Oct. 7th have revealed the humanistic mindset of most of the IDF's top leadership, we ask You to change their thinking or replace them as soon as possible (Ezek. 34:10).

    • Lord, if Netanyahu's firing of Defense Minister Gallant would cause too much of a political uproar, then we pray for You to arrange for Gallant's sudden and swift departure (Psa. 109:8).

    • Abba, we praise You for how most families of fallen soldiers are supportive of Israel pressing on with the war until there is a total victory over Hamas (Deut. 33:29; Psa. 18:37-40; Amos 1:6-7).

    • Lord God, let their position, and the similar demands from a significant number of hostage families, receive much more exposure in Israel's mainstream media (Prov. 11:10-11; 15:30).

    • God, with Hamas threatening to murder the Israeli hostages if the IDF comes near to rescuing them, we plead with You to supernaturally set these captives free (Gen. 18:14; Psa. 124:6-8; Isa. 49:24-26).

    • Lord of hosts, anoint the IDF to war as those prophesied sons of Zion (Zech. 9:13-15; 10:3a-7).

    • Uncover all undiscovered tunnels in Gaza, especially on the Egyptian-Gaza border (Obad. 1:6).

    • God of Israel, as Egypt's betrayal of Israel is revealed, deal with Egypt as per Isaiah 19:1-5.

  5. Internal security:

    Israel is actively working to stop another Oct. 7th type attack, but this time coming from Palestinian terrorist groups in Judea and Samaria. Its current operation has resulted in the elimination of many terrorists and their weapons manufacturing and storage sites, all under the nose of the Palestinian Authority [PA] – who is definitely a huge part of Israel's problem. This is a different arena than Gaza as Jews live throughout this area – which is Israel's biblical heartland.

    • Lord, sustain the IDF's attacks against terrorist groups and their infrastructure in Judea and Samaria, giving them supernatural protection and success (Num. 10:9; Deut. 3:21-22; 20:1-4).

    • God, speak to Israel's political and military leaders out of Deuteronomy 25:19 in the Torah portion.

    • Increase the gathering of accurate and timely intelligence in these areas (Job 28:11b; Luke 12:2).

    • God, show Israel's leaders, who perceive that the PA is a huge part of the terrorist problem, how to deal with them and their so-deceived-by-peace supporters in the West (Psa. 120:7; Jer. 6:14; 9:8).

    • Give Israel wisdom in its planning against the PA's request for the UN to pass a resolution next week demanding that all Jews leave Judea and Samaria within six months (Isa. 40:14-17).

    • Lord God, expose and uproot every Iranian attempt to ignite terrorism in Israel (Psa. 59:12-13).

    • Abba Father, fulfill Psalm 121:4 for all Israelis civilians in Judea, Samaria and in the Jordan Valley.

    • Encourage Your people from Isaiah 54:2-3 in the prophetic portion to expand their sovereignty over much more of their land – at least from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea today.

    • Bless Finance Minister Smotrich's extension of Israeli civilian rule over more Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and let his work remain hidden from the headlines (Jer. 32:41-44; 33:12-14).

    • Lord, please restore these three biblical land titles to their rightful inheritors, the Jews: Hebron (Gen. 23:17-18), Shechem [Nabulus today] (Gen. 33:19) and the Temple Mount (2 Sam. 24:24).

    • Despite Israel's war-like atmosphere, God increase the populations, homes and businesses of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and everywhere else in Your land (Isa. 49:19-20; 51:3).

    • God, fulfill Deuteronomy 6:10-11, by using the illegal houses the EU has built for the Palestinians in Area C to become homes for Your people as they settle throughout Your land (Josh. 24:13).

    • Lord Yeshua, reveal who You are to many Jews who live on Your land today (Ezek. 36:24-27, 37).

    • Also redeem many Palestinians and let them provoke Jews to jealousy (Matt. 5:44; Rom. 11:11).

  6. External security:

    Hizbullah, Iran's main proxy in the Middle East, has increased its rocket, mortar and drone attacks against Israel. While Israel has killed many of its leaders and attacked its weapons and storage facilities, at some point, we pray sooner rather than later, Israel will need to do much more against this very dangerous foe – and actually invade Lebanon.

    • God Almighty let any future war against Iran and its proxies fulfill Micah 4:11-13, and receive all of the glory from the outcome, just as these Micah verses indicate (Psa. 115:1-3).

    • God, remove every unbiblical consideration which hinders Israel from battling against their enemies in a biblical way – like the US elections or hostage/ceasefire deals (Psa. 18:34; 68:30).

    • Lord God of hosts, either sovereignly, or by wielding Israel as Your weapon of war, deal with the threat emanating from Hizbullah at this time (Ex. 15:3; Isa. 42:13; Jer. 51:20-24).

    • Let Israel's responses to Hizbullah's attacks become more powerful and painful both to the terrorists themselves and to Lebanon which has them in their government (2 Kin. 13:18-19; Prov. 21:30-31).

    • Lord, let the increasing possibility of Israel invading Lebanon ignite the current internal discord between many of the Lebanese civilians and Hizbullah (Est. 9:3; Psa. 109:29; Prov. 28:15).

    • God, show Israel what needs to be done so that its 80,000 or so civilians who cannot live in their homes throughout the north, can return to those homes with a greater sense of security (Jer. 32:37).

    • God of all, deal harshly with all nations who continue to deal financially with Iran – despite Iran being known as the world's number one supporter of terrorism (Deut. 28:38; Mic. 6:15; Hag. 1:6).

    • Lord God, arise and fulfill Your Word; break Elam's [ancient Iran's] bow (Jer. 49:35), and destroy its wicked leaders (Jer. 49:38b).

    • Let Iran's leaders who threaten and curse Israel reap exactly what they sow (Num. 24:9b; Gal. 6:7).

    • Protect Your Body in Iran and lead it in prayer during these days (Psa. 10:17; Luke 11:2).

  7. Aliyah:

    The interest among Western Jews to return to Israel has increased but an increase of Jews actually coming home has not yet happened. Still, as aliyah is all for His glory, we continue to intercede for multitudes to return very soon (Isa. 43:5-7; Ezek. 36:22-24; plus other verse).

    • Use the current increase of interest in aliyah to create an increase in aliyah (Jer. 50:4-8).

    • As You declare in the prophetic portion, gather Your people home with great mercies (Isa. 54:7).

    • Abba, draw whole families and even communities back home together (Ex. 12:37-38; Jer. 31:3-5).

    • God, unstick every Jew who is stuck in captivity (Psa. 107:14-16; Isa. 14:1-2; Zech. 10:8-10).

    • Lord God, send Your people dreams, or nightmares, to wake them up and get them moving out of the captivity back home to Israel (Joel 2:28b; Amos 3:8; Matt. 2:12, 19-20).

    • Use the very violent pro-Palestinian demonstrations to reveal to Your people that "law and order" are swiftly being torn down in most Western nations (Psa. 11:5; Prov. 14:17-18).

    • Lord Almighty, stop Jewish leaders from fighting for the right to live in "peace and safety" among the gentiles and instead, turn their efforts towards making aliyah (Jer. 51:9-10).

    • Also, set free all Jews in any nation that blocks them from leaving (Ex. 8:1).

    • Move in Israel, even in its wartime situation, to arrange houses, jobs, schools and Hebrew classes to facilitate the successful integration of every new immigrant (Ezek. 28:25-26; 36:8-12).

    • Lord God, remove from Israel's bureaucratic system all blockages to making aliyah (Isa. 62:10).

    • Raise up "righteous gentiles," believers or not, who will hide Jews if need be and will aid them to escape to Israel in whatever way they can (Prov. 28:12; Isa. 49:22).

    • Lord, reveal to Your Body the biblical duty to aid the Jews to make aliyah – in prayer, by finances and good works, and by telling their Jewish neighbors that the exile is over and they should return home to Israel as soon as possible (Isa. 49:22; 60:1-12; 61:5; Rom. 15:26-27).

  8. Salvation:

    Save us, YHWH our God, and gather us from the gentiles, to give thanks to Your holy name, and to triumph in Your praise. (Psa. 106:47) This verse links Israel's salvation with aliyah, both of which lead to God being glorified, praised and exalted!

    • Show born-again gentiles that Romans 1:16 and 11:11 are still Your Word for them today.

    • Abba Father, tear off that partial blindness that has been on most Jews for the past 2,000 years and let them see that Yeshua is their Messiah and King (Isa. 30:20; 33:22; Matt. 2:2; Rom. 11:25-26).

    • Lord Yeshua, as Joseph did with his brothers (Gen. 45:1-4), reveal Yourself to many more Jews and let them share with their families how You are alive and rule in many gentile hearts (Gen. 45:24-28).

    • During Ellul, the current Hebrew month when repentance is emphasized in preparation for the high holydays, allow many Jews to receive a "holy dissatisfaction" about their personal relationship with You as compared to that which many Jews had in biblical times (Psa. 42:2; Mark 9:24).

    • Use that "holy dissatisfaction" to create in multitudes of Jews an urgency to read and study all of the Tanach, the Old Tesatment – and not just the Torah (Jer. 15:16; 2 Tim. 3:15).

    • Lord Yeshua, show secret Jewish believers when and how to openly confess You (Matt. 10:32).

    • [Please ask God about which specific group or groups of Jews He wants you to pray for this week.]

  9. Body of Messiah:

    While Jews need to return to their land, many believers need to return to the complete Word of God. Yeshua's disciples today should be reading, studying and meditating on those scriptures which were the only spiritual food Messiah and His early followers had (Jer. 15:16).

    • Messiah Yeshua, as You did on the road to Emmaus, rebuke as needed those of Your followers who refuse to believe all that was written in Moses and the prophets (Luke 24:25-27).

    • King Yeshua, show all of Your Body how Israel's restoration and its salvation is central to Your prophetic plans to return in glory (Zech. 8:1-8; 12:2-10; Matt. 23:37-39; 24:30).

    • Lord, use the remnant who do understand Your plans and purposes for Israel in these last days to be like a grain of mustard and impact many others within Your Body (Matt. 13:31-32).

    • King of kings, let Your Body realize that You are not only the Lamb of God (John 1:29, 36), but the Lion of Judah (Rev. 5:5), and a Man of War today (Ex. 15:3; Isa. 42:13).

    • Lord of glory, cleanse Your Body from all anti-Semitic and anti-Zionistic spirits (Num. 24:9b).

    • After that, guide Western believers in how to pray about the Islamic spirit which is invading their nations and intimidating their leaders to not stand fully and unashamedly with Israel (Eph. 6:12).

  10. IFI:

    I want to leave you with what Billy Graham said way back in 1983, and which is still valid today: "The trend of world events is the psychological preparation for the Anti-Christ." Again, thank you for all of your support and prayers for us.

Shabbat shalom and blessings from Israel

Chuck Cohen, for the IFI team

1 Thess. 5:23-24