[Rosh Hashanah starts Wednesday evening Oct. 2nd, and is a two day holyday in Israel. When it ends, Shabbat begins, so we are sending this alert out early.]

  1. Praise:

    In Shabbat's Torah reading, Moses declares the name, the nature, of God: I will proclaim the name of YHWH: ascribe greatness to our God. He is the Rock; His work is perfect; for all His ways are just; a God of truth and without iniquity, righteous and upright is He. (Deut. 32:3-4)

    • God, we bless You that have magnified Your Word upon Your name (Psa. 138:2), so since You are true, Your Word is true and the truth (John 17:17); since You are faithful, so is Your Word (Tit. 1:9).

    • Precious Creator, thank You for guard over Your truth (Psa. 146:5-6).

    • Lord Yeshua, we praise You for being Israel's Rock, and for becoming our Rock as well (Psa. 18:2, 31, 46; Isa. 28:16; 32:2; 1 Cor. 10:4).

    • We bless You for Your perfect – Your total and complete – work in us (Phil. 1:6; Heb. 12:2).

    • What a joy to know that You are a God of justice in whom is no darkness (Gen. 18:25; Jam. 1:17).

    • Thank You for being a righteous and upright God in whom we can trust (Psa. 92:15; Rom. 3:5-6).

    • Great is YHWH, and greatly to be praised; His greatness is unsearchable. (Psa. 145:3) Amen!

  2. External security:

    Israel has taken the war to Hizbullah in Lebanon through its Operation "Northern Arrows." Last week, after PM Bibi Netanyahu spoke at the UN, the IDF killed Hassan Nasrallah, Hizbullah's long-time leader. It has also killed many of its leaders, destroyed its weapons and storage facilities, and put Iran's #1 terrorist proxy in a no-win situation. It is also attacking Iranian allies in Syria, its weapons transfers through Syria, and the Houthis in Yemen. Also this week, Israel has started a 'limited incursion" into Southern Lebanon to destroy all Hizbullah encampments there. Instead of condemning Israel, the UN and the nations should have enforced UN Security Council resolution 1701 which demands that Hizbullah leave all of Lebanon south of the Litani River.

    • As Deuteronomy 32:35a, 39 and 41-42 are read in Shabbat's Torah portion, we give You the glory and praise for ultimately being the One who has orchestrated Operation "Northern Arrows"!

    • Lord, thank You for hearing our prayers and increasing the intensity and effectiveness of the IDF's attacks against Hizbullah (Ex. 15:14-16; Deut. 11:25).

    • God, show Israel what a total victory over Hizbullah looks like and let it aim to do just that so that the 60,000 plus Israelis who live in the north can return and live safely and securely (Psa. 44:4-6).

    • We bless You for most analysts saying it was Hizbullah's pride and arrogance against Israel that led to its current state of fear and paranoia – exactly in line with how we prayed (Prov. 16:18; 17:19).

    • Continue to fulfill Numbers 24:8 and let Israel's arrows pierce through its enemies (Psa. 45:5).

    • Lord God, direct the IDF's strategy and tactics as it enters Southern Lebanon for a – at this stage – limited operation (2 Sam. 5:17-23), and anoint them to fight in line with Numbers 24:8-9.

    • We bless You that Joel 2:17-21 is part of the prophetic reading for Rosh Hashanah, and ask You to fulfill it and remove far off from Israel all the remnants of Hizbullah – the northern army today.

    • Thank You for Israel's incredible ability to collect accurate intelligence from human and artificial sources, and we ask You to continue anointing them to accomplish this (2 Kin. 6:12; Psa. 105:14-15).

    • Lion of Judah, anoint all Israeli drone operators and cyber-warfare warriors (1 Chr. 5:18).

    • Abba, if this is Lebanon's chance to be set free from its Hizbullah overlords, let its people and army rise up and chase out this Iranian terror proxy from their nation once and for all (Job 18:5-18).

    • Lord God, in mercy shame many of Hizbullah's surviving terrorists, as they see how Allah did not protect them from "those Jews," and use that to cause them to seek Your face (Psa. 83:16-18).

    • Let what Israel has done to first Hamas and now to Hizbullah and the Houthis, impact Iran in such a way that the fear of both You and the IDF causes that wicked regime to implode (Psa. 9:5; 145:20).

    • God, judge every nation, especially in the West, that maintains financial dealings with Iran – even though they know it is the world's #1 supporter of terror (Jer. 12:13; Hag. 1:6).

    • Lord God, we continue to ask You to break Elam's [ancient Iran's] bow (Jer. 49:35), and to destroy its demonic political, military and religious leaders (Jer. 49:38b).

    • If Israel's destruction of many Hizbullah launchers, which are a modern "bow" to launch missiles, is a partial fulfillment of Your Word (Jer. 49:35), we praise You and ask for more Lord (Psa. 46:9)!

    • Increase the internal strife in Iran's society and set its people free (Psa. 9:1-11; 27:2).

    • Protect Your Body in Iran and Lebanon and lead them in prayer at this time (Psa. 10:17; Luke 11:2).

  3. Foreign relations:

    The UN General Assembly's annual meetings began last week and runs through this week. The hatred of Israel in that place is obvious to all who do not hate the Jews. So the truth that was declared there by Bibi last week and the disclosures of how the Palestinians are acting against Israel which is constantly emphasized by Israel's UN Ambassador Danny Danon are examples of Isaiah 60:1-2, as Israel's light shines in the midst of that tower of gross darkness.

    • King of the nations, use Your chosen nation Israel to let Your foreign policy be manifest on the earth as it is already settled in eternity (Deut. 28:9-10, 13; Psa. 33:10-11; Luke 11:2).

    • Abba, thank You for speaking Your truth through Bibi in that den of anti-Israelism (Prov. 12:17).

    • Bless the nations' representatives who actually remained in the hall to listen to him (Num. 23:9b).

    • Uphold Danon's boldness as he represents Israel in this anti-Christ dominated NGO (Prov. 28:1b).

    • Show Israel when to wipe the dirt off its feet and leave the UN (Psa. 1:1; Prov. 4:14-15).

    • God, nullify the UN General Assembly resolution which was approved by most nations last week demanding Judea and Samaria to be Judenrein (free of Jews) (Job 12:16-25; Psa. 125:3; Lam. 3:37)

    • That UN resolution, presented by the Palestinian Authority, nullifies the Oslo Accords, so guide Israel to respond with clarity and extend its sovereignty over all of its land (Obad. 1:17-20).

    • Lord, as You did with Balaam, turn today's curses against Your people, whether from nations, global NGOs, or the mainstream media, into blessings because of Your love for them (Deut. 23:5).

    • Messiah Yeshua, have Your Body warn their nations of Your judgments which are on many of them today because of their desertion of Israel in its time of need (Num. 24:9b; Ezek. 29:6-7; Joel 3:1-2).

    • King Messiah, guide all believers who do intercede for their nation's relations with Israel, and have as much mercy as possible on those nations (Ezek. 22:30-31: cp. Isa. 60:12; Zech. 12:9).

  4. Government & society:

    Israel's situation is very convoluted today. While we are sure that God is fulfilling His plans (Psa. 33:10-11; Isa. 55:11), it is often difficult to see clearly what He is doing when we are in the midst of prophecies being fulfilled. Thus we depend on Him to guide our prayers.

    • Lord, thank You for teaching us to trust in You and not in Israel's government, yet since You have ordained Israel's government for this time, please lead us as we pray for it (Psa. 10:17; Dan. 2:21).

    • Lord, as Israel celebrates Your fall feasts, let more of its leaders recognize their need to seek You for wisdom and guidance, and to be reading Your Word consistently (Deut. 17:18-20; Psa. 105:4).

    • God of Israel, continue to promote the sons and daughters of Zion in Israel's society – especially in its political and military areas (Psa. 1:1-6; 48:11; Zech. 9:13).

    • Also Lord, we ask You to replace all the sons and daughters of Greece who see the world via anti-biblical humanistic filters, from any influential positions in Israel (Job 34:24; Psa. 109:8).

    • We praise You that Bibi is definitely acting more like a son of Zion than ever before (Psa. 68:27-28).

    • Lord, impart to him in abundance that wisdom and knowledge of which Daniel spoke (Dan. 2:21b).

    • Bring godly advisors to him and give him godly discernment concerning their advice (Prov. 24:6).

    • Almighty God, anoint Israel's current coalition for Your glory and make them one concerning each direction and goal that are part of Your will for Israel today (Psa. 115:1-3; 133:1).

    • Allow the entry of Gideon Sa'ar into the coalition to be a benefit for Your nation (Psa. 3:8).

    • Messiah, impart "perfect peace" in Israelis who are dealing with murdered or sexually abused loved ones, or loved ones still hostages, or whose fate is as yet unknown (Isa. 61:1-3; Matt. 5:4).

    • Abba Father, sustain Israel's economy miraculously today (Psa. 132:13-15; Jer. 32:17).

  5. "Operation Swords of Iron:"

    The war against Hamas continues, even though most Israelis are more focused on the north at this time. We need to keep praying about this over the holydays.

    • Lord God, with most of the IDF's focus on the north, please guide its deployment of personnel and equipment that are still needed in Gaza (Prov. 21:30).

    • Considering the expectations, Almighty God, we thank You for so miraculously protecting Israel's soldiers in Gaza and ask for Your continued protection against all attacks and traps of its enemies, as well as against friendly fire and all other accidents (Psa. 4:8;Prov. 21:31; Zech. 9:16; 10:5-8).

    • God, anoint the IDF in Gaza to war as those prophesied sons of Zion (Zech. 9:13-15; 10:3a-7).

    • Lord, let Israel remind the world that all dead civilians, Arabs or Jews, are Hamas' responsibility as they broke the ceasefire and attacked Israel, they hide weapons in civilian areas, they dress up as civilians and most grievously they use civilians as human shields (Job 24:14; Psa. 5:10; 34:21).

    • God Almighty, impart new tactics and strategies to the IDF against Hamas who no longer fight as army but as individual groups of urban guerilla fighters (1 Chr. 14:15).

    • Abba, miraculously release the hostages during the feasts– as You did with Peter (Acts 12:5-11).

  6. Internal security:

    Satan loves to attack and murder Jews during God's feasts. The 1973 Yom Kippur war, the 2002 Park Hotel Passover massacre, and the Oct. 7th 2023 Hamas pogrom which was on Simchat Torah are all modern day examples. Please pray for safety for all Israelis during the next several weeks of the fall feasts of our God.

    • God, guard over Your land during the high holydays (Psa. 105:38-39; 121:4; Jer. 31:10),

    • God Almighty, continue to cause all kidnapping attempts and most of the terrorist car-rammings and drive-by shooting attacks to utterly fail (Deut. 28:6-7; 2 Sam. 22:40-41; Psa. 37:28; 66:8-12).

    • Send Your fear and a spirit of paranoia upon all Arab terrorists in Your land who see what Israel has done, and is still doing, to Hizbullah and also to the Houthis (Josh. 2:9-11; 2 Chr. 20:29).

    • Lord, as there is a concerted effort among European, Arab and other nations to create a Palestinian State on Your land, thus dividing it, arise and judge all of them – and let them know that it is You whose hand has gone out against them (Psa. 33:10-11; Isa. 23:9-11; Joel 3:1-2).

    • Abba Father, speak clearly to Your people that possessing their possessions is 100% Your will for Israel today – and tomorrow (Num. 33:51-53; Deut. 8:1; 9:5; 19:8; Obad. 1:17; Zech. 1:17).

    • Despite Israel's war-like atmosphere, God increase the populations, homes and businesses of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and everywhere else in Your land (Isa. 49:19-20; 51:3).

    • Lord, restore the three biblical land titles to their rightful inheritors, the Jews: Hebron (Gen. 23:17-18), Shechem [Nabulus today] (Gen. 33:19) and the Temple Mount (2 Sam. 24:24).

  7. Aliyah:

    It has just been reported that since Oct. 7th last year approximately 31,000 people have immigrated to Israel from over 100 different countries. This is great news and yet there are still millions of Jews trapped in exile. With our focus being on God's glory through the return of His people (Isa. 43:5-7; Ezek. 36:22-24; plus) – we continue to intercede for all Israel to make aliyah.

    • Lord, we thank You for these new immigrants and ask You for many more next year (Eph. 3:20).

    • Abba Father, turn the increase of interest in aliyah into an actual increase in aliyah (Jer. 50:4-8).

    • Almighty King, as Ellul, the current Hebrew month, is a time of introspection and repentance, let many Jews living in today's Babylon repent of not coming home (Jer. 51:9-10).

    • Place on many Jewish leaders in their sleep a directive to lead Your people home (Job 33:15-18).

    • Make Israelis living outside of Israel very homesick over the holydays (Psa. 137:1-6; Isa. 62:4-5).

    • Use the growth of anti-Semitism and Islam in the West to chase Your people home (Jer. 16:16).

    • Abba Father, strip off from Israel's bureaucracy all blockages to making aliyah (Isa. 62:10).

    • Also, set free all Jews in any nation that blocks them from leaving (Ex. 8:1).

    • Lord God, reveal to more believers how aliyah is an answer to the Body's 2,000 year old prayer for Your name to be sanctified through Your will being done on earth (Ezek. 28:25-26; Luke 11:2).

    • Abba Father, release funds from wealthy Jews and rich Christians to support both the aliyah and the successful integration of new immigrants into Israeli society (Ezra 1:4; Isa. 60:9).

  8. Salvation:

    Yeshua told us that salvation's ultimate aim is for God to be glorified (John 13:31-32; 14:13; 17:1-5; Phil. 2:9-11)! Anything less than this only adds to the spirit of humanism which has already infected too much of His Body.

    • Lord Yeshua, quicken believers to pray for all Israel to be saved – for Your holy name's sake (Isa. 45:25; 46:13; Ezek. 36:23-32; Luke 2:32; Rom. 10:1).

    • When Jews read Genesis 22 over Rosh Hashanah show them how it is a beautiful type of You as our Father willing to sacrifice Your beloved Son (John 3:16).

    • As Jews pray prayers of repentance during this season, gift them with a "holy dissatisfaction" as they compare their personal relationship with You with so many of the Jews in the Tanach (Psa. 42:2-3).

    • Father God, please remove that partial blindness You put on most of the Jews over the past 2,000 years (Rom. 11:25-260), and reveal to them that Yeshua is both their Messiah and King (Isa. 33:22).

    • Watch over every biblical verse that is in the high holyday prayer books, letting none of them come back to You empty (Isa. 55:11; Jer. 1:12).

    • Pour out Your spirit of grace and supplication upon You people who are back in the land, and as they look unto You whom they pierced, let a holy time of repentance come upon them (Zech. 12:10).

    • By Your grace Abba, during the feasts, save many of Your people, including: Holocaust survivors and families; terror attack survivors; hostages still alive and their loved ones; IDF soldiers and their families; loved ones of soldiers killed or severely wounded; widows, widowers, and orphans; all types of rabbis in Israel and exile; Jewish anti-missionaries; Israeli diplomats, lawyers, university students in Israel and in exile; professors, teachers, scholars; medical personnel; Israeli media personalities; tour guides; archeologists; anti-Bibi and/or anti-government demonstrators; Israelis living in exile; hippie, new age and LGBTQ+ Jews; Jews in Iran, Ethiopia, India, China; and unsaved loved ones of Messianic Jews.

  9. Body of Messiah:

    As Jews return to their land, believers need to return to God's Word. At this time in history, Yeshua's followers should be reading and studying all of the God-breathed scriptures (2 Tim. 3:16-17) which can shed light on what He is doing at this hour (for ex. Jer. 32:41).

    • Lord, teach Your Body that Deuteronomy 32:9 in the Torah portion is still truth, and that is why saved gentiles are grafted into Israel's cultivated olive tree to be part of God's people (Rom. 11:15-26).

    • Messiah Yeshua, ordain many more children of Zion to teach and preach on the biblical relationship between Jews and gentiles who are now One Body in Messiah (Ex. 12:48-49; Eph. 2:11-22)

    • King Yeshua, reveal to the Body that Israel's modern day restoration and salvation is crucial in preparing the way for Your glorious return (Zech. 12:2-10; Matt. 23:37-39; 24:30).

    • Lord God, warn Your children to reject all proud or racist attitudes towards unsaved Jews and to bless them instead in whatever way Your Spirit directs (Prov. 8:13; Isa. 37:23; Rom. 11:17-18, 22).

    • King Messiah, let the remnant who do understand Your plans for Israel's modern day restoration to be like leaven and impact all others in their congregations (Luke 13:20-21).

    • Blessed Redeemer, let Your children accept You as both the Lamb of God (John 1:29, 36), as well as the Lion of Judah (Joel 3:16; Rev. 5:5), and as a Man of War today (Ex. 15:3; Isa. 42:13).

    • May the practice of real corporate prayer permeate the worldwide Body (Matt. 18:20; Heb. 4:16).

  10. IFI:

    There are times when we persistently pray over an issue and either there is no answer, or the answer is long in coming. There are other times, like now, when several of the issues we have prayed about are being answered in a very short time span. We bless God for giving us the grace to be steadfast in the "dry" times so that we can rejoice and thank Him for His answers when they come. Your prayers, support and words of encouragement go a long way to enable us to do that. Thank you.

Shanna tova, Shabbat shalom and much blessings from Israel

Chuck Cohen, for the IFI team

Psa. 50:15